#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
# simple handler test
ansible-playbook test_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ " --tags scenario1
# simple from_handlers test
ansible-playbook from_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ " --tags scenario1
ansible-playbook test_listening_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ "
[ " $( ansible-playbook test_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ " --tags scenario2 -l A \
| grep -E -o 'RUNNING HANDLER \[test_handlers : .*]' ) " = " RUNNING HANDLER [ test_handlers : test handler] " ]
# Test forcing handlers using the linear and free strategy
for strategy in linear free; do
export ANSIBLE_STRATEGY = $strategy
# Not forcing, should only run on successful host
[ " $( ansible-playbook test_force_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ " --tags normal \
| grep -E -o CALLED_HANDLER_. | sort | uniq | xargs) " = " CALLED_HANDLER_B" ]
# Forcing from command line
[ " $( ansible-playbook test_force_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ " --tags normal --force-handlers \
| grep -E -o CALLED_HANDLER_. | sort | uniq | xargs) " = " CALLED_HANDLER_A CALLED_HANDLER_B" ]
# Forcing from command line, should only run later tasks on unfailed hosts
[ " $( ansible-playbook test_force_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ " --tags normal --force-handlers \
| grep -E -o CALLED_TASK_. | sort | uniq | xargs) " = " CALLED_TASK_B CALLED_TASK_D CALLED_TASK_E" ]
# Forcing from command line, should call handlers even if all hosts fail
[ " $( ansible-playbook test_force_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ " --tags normal --force-handlers -e fail_all = yes \
| grep -E -o CALLED_HANDLER_. | sort | uniq | xargs) " = " CALLED_HANDLER_A CALLED_HANDLER_B" ]
# Forcing from ansible.cfg
[ " $( ANSIBLE_FORCE_HANDLERS = true ansible-playbook test_force_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ " --tags normal \
| grep -E -o CALLED_HANDLER_. | sort | uniq | xargs) " = " CALLED_HANDLER_A CALLED_HANDLER_B" ]
# Forcing true in play
[ " $( ansible-playbook test_force_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ " --tags force_true_in_play \
| grep -E -o CALLED_HANDLER_. | sort | uniq | xargs) " = " CALLED_HANDLER_A CALLED_HANDLER_B" ]
# Forcing false in play, which overrides command line
[ " $( ansible-playbook test_force_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ " --tags force_false_in_play --force-handlers \
| grep -E -o CALLED_HANDLER_. | sort | uniq | xargs) " = " CALLED_HANDLER_B" ]
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/80898
[ " $( ansible-playbook 80880.yml -i inventory.handlers -vv " $@ " 2>& 1) " ]
[ " $( ansible-playbook test_handlers_include.yml -i ../../inventory -v " $@ " --tags playbook_include_handlers \
| grep -E -o 'RUNNING HANDLER \[.*]' ) " = " RUNNING HANDLER [ test handler] " ]
[ " $( ansible-playbook test_handlers_include.yml -i ../../inventory -v " $@ " --tags role_include_handlers \
| grep -E -o 'RUNNING HANDLER \[test_handlers_include : .*]' ) " = " RUNNING HANDLER [ test_handlers_include : test handler] " ]
[ " $( ansible-playbook test_handlers_include_role.yml -i ../../inventory -v " $@ " \
| grep -E -o 'RUNNING HANDLER \[test_handlers_include_role : .*]' ) " = " RUNNING HANDLER [ test_handlers_include_role : test handler] " ]
# Notify handler listen
ansible-playbook test_handlers_listen.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ "
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/82363
ansible-playbook test_multiple_handlers_with_recursive_notification.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ "
# Notify inexistent handlers results in error
set +e
result = " $( ansible-playbook test_handlers_inexistent_notify.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1) "
set -e
grep -q "ERROR! The requested handler 'notify_inexistent_handler' was not found in either the main handlers list nor in the listening handlers list" <<< " $result "
# Notify inexistent handlers without errors when ANSIBLE_ERROR_ON_MISSING_HANDLER=false
ANSIBLE_ERROR_ON_MISSING_HANDLER = false ansible-playbook test_handlers_inexistent_notify.yml -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ "
ANSIBLE_ERROR_ON_MISSING_HANDLER = false ansible-playbook test_templating_in_handlers.yml -v " $@ "
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/36649
output_dir = /tmp
set +e
result = " $( ansible-playbook test_handlers_any_errors_fatal.yml -e output_dir = $output_dir -i inventory.handlers -v " $@ " 2>& 1) "
set -e
[ ! -f $output_dir /should_not_exist_B ] || ( rm -f $output_dir /should_not_exist_B && exit 1)
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/47287
[ " $( ansible-playbook test_handlers_including_task.yml -i ../../inventory -v " $@ " | grep -E -o 'failed=[0-9]+' ) " = "failed=0" ]
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/71222
ansible-playbook test_role_handlers_including_tasks.yml -i ../../inventory -v " $@ "
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/27237
set +e
result = " $( ansible-playbook test_handlers_template_run_once.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1) "
set -e
grep -q "handler A" <<< " $result "
grep -q "handler B" <<< " $result "
# Test an undefined variable in another handler name isn't a failure
ansible-playbook 58841.yml " $@ " --tags lazy_evaluation 2>& 1 | tee out.txt ; cat out.txt
grep out.txt -e "\[WARNING\]: Handler 'handler name with {{ test_var }}' is unusable"
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler ran' ) " = "1" ]
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler with var ran' ) " = "0" ]
# Test templating a handler name with a defined variable
ansible-playbook 58841.yml " $@ " --tags evaluation_time -e test_var = myvar | tee out.txt ; cat out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler ran' ) " = "0" ]
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler with var ran' ) " = "1" ]
# Test the handler is not found when the variable is undefined
ansible-playbook 58841.yml " $@ " --tags evaluation_time 2>& 1 | tee out.txt ; cat out.txt
grep out.txt -e "ERROR! The requested handler 'handler name with myvar' was not found"
grep out.txt -e "\[WARNING\]: Handler 'handler name with {{ test_var }}' is unusable"
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler ran' ) " = "0" ]
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler with var ran' ) " = "0" ]
# Test include_role and import_role cannot be used as handlers
ansible-playbook test_role_as_handler.yml " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
grep out.txt -e "ERROR! Using 'include_role' as a handler is not supported."
# Test notifying a handler from within include_tasks does not work anymore
ansible-playbook test_notify_included.yml " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'I was included' ) " = "1" ]
grep out.txt -e "ERROR! The requested handler 'handler_from_include' was not found in either the main handlers list nor in the listening handlers list"
ansible-playbook test_handlers_meta.yml -i inventory.handlers -vv " $@ " | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'RUNNING HANDLER \[noop_handler\]' ) " = "1" ]
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'META: noop' ) " = "1" ]
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/46447
set +e
test " $( ansible-playbook 46447.yml -i inventory.handlers -vv " $@ " 2>& 1 | grep -c 'SHOULD NOT GET HERE' ) "
set -e
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/52561
ansible-playbook 52561.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler1 ran' ) " = "1" ]
# Test flush_handlers meta task does not imply any_errors_fatal
ansible-playbook 54991.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler ran' ) " = "4" ]
ansible-playbook order.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1
set +e
ansible-playbook order.yml --force-handlers -e test_force_handlers = true -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1
set -e
ansible-playbook include_handlers_fail_force.yml --force-handlers -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'included handler ran' ) " = "1" ]
ansible-playbook test_flush_handlers_as_handler.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
grep out.txt -e "ERROR! flush_handlers cannot be used as a handler"
ansible-playbook test_skip_flush.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler ran' ) " = "0" ]
ansible-playbook test_flush_in_rescue_always.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler ran in rescue' ) " = "1" ]
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler ran in always' ) " = "2" ]
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'lockstep works' ) " = "2" ]
ansible-playbook test_handlers_infinite_loop.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1
ansible-playbook test_flush_handlers_rescue_always.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'rescue ran' ) " = "1" ]
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'always ran' ) " = "2" ]
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'should run for both hosts' ) " = "2" ]
ansible-playbook test_fqcn_meta_flush_handlers.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
grep out.txt -e "handler ran"
grep out.txt -e "after flush"
ansible-playbook 79776.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ "
ansible-playbook test_block_as_handler.yml " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
grep out.txt -e "ERROR! Using a block as a handler is not supported."
ansible-playbook test_block_as_handler-include.yml " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
grep out.txt -e "ERROR! Using a block as a handler is not supported."
ansible-playbook test_block_as_handler-import.yml " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
grep out.txt -e "ERROR! Using a block as a handler is not supported."
ansible-playbook test_include_role_handler_once.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler ran' ) " = "1" ]
ansible-playbook test_listen_role_dedup.yml " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'a handler from a role' ) " = "1" ]
ansible localhost -m include_role -a "name=r1-dep_chain-vars" " $@ "
ansible-playbook test_include_tasks_in_include_role.yml " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler ran' ) " = "1" ]
ansible-playbook test_run_once.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'handler ran once' ) " = "1" ]
ansible-playbook force_handlers_blocks_81533-1.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'task1' ) " = "1" ]
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'task2' ) " = "1" ]
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'hosts_left' ) " = "1" ]
ansible-playbook force_handlers_blocks_81533-2.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'hosts_left' ) " = "1" ]
ansible-playbook nested_flush_handlers_failure_force.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'flush_handlers_rescued' ) " = "1" ]
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'flush_handlers_always' ) " = "2" ]
ansible-playbook 82241.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'included_task_from_tasks_dir' ) " = "1" ]
ansible-playbook handlers_lockstep_82307.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'TASK \[handler2\]' ) " = "0" ]
ansible-playbook handlers_lockstep_83019.yml -i inventory.handlers " $@ " 2>& 1 | tee out.txt
[ " $( grep out.txt -ce 'TASK \[handler1\]' ) " = "0" ]