# Test code for the command and shell modules.
# Copyright: (c) 2014, Richard Isaacson <richard.c.isaacson@gmail.com>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
- name : use command with unsupported executable arg
command : ls /dev/null
args :
executable : /bogus
register : executable
- name : assert executable warning was reported
assert :
that :
- executable.stdout == '/dev/null'
- executable.warnings | length() == 1
- "'no longer supported' in executable.warnings[0]"
- name : use command with no command
command :
args :
chdir : /
register : no_command
ignore_errors : true
- name : assert executable fails with no command
assert :
that :
- no_command is failed
- no_command.msg == 'no command given'
- no_command.rc == 256
- name : use argv
command :
argv :
- echo
- testing
register : argv_command
ignore_errors : true
- name : assert executable works with argv
assert :
that :
- "argv_command.stdout == 'testing'"
- name : use argv and command string
command : echo testing
args :
argv :
- echo
- testing
register : argv_and_string_command
ignore_errors : true
- name : assert executable fails with both argv and command string
assert :
that :
- argv_and_string_command is failed
- argv_and_string_command.msg == 'only command or argv can be given, not both'
- argv_and_string_command.rc == 256
- set_fact :
remote_tmp_dir_test : "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/test_command_shell"
- name : make sure our testing sub-directory does not exist
file :
path : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}"
state : absent
- name : create our testing sub-directory
file :
path : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}"
state : directory
- name : prep our test script
copy :
src : test.sh
dest : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}"
mode : '0755'
- name : prep our test script
copy :
src : create_afile.sh
dest : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}"
mode : '0755'
- name : prep our test script
copy :
src : remove_afile.sh
dest : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}"
mode : '0755'
- name : locate bash
shell : which bash
register : bash
## command
- name : execute the test.sh script via command
command : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/test.sh"
register : command_result0
- name : assert that the script executed correctly
assert :
that :
- command_result0.rc == 0
- command_result0.stderr == ''
- command_result0.stdout == 'win'
# executable
# FIXME doesn't have the expected stdout.
#- name: execute the test.sh script with executable via command
# command: "{{remote_tmp_dir_test }}/test.sh executable={{ bash.stdout }}"
# register: command_result1
#- name: assert that the script executed correctly with command
# assert:
# that:
# - "command_result1.rc == 0"
# - "command_result1.stderr == ''"
# - "command_result1.stdout == 'win'"
# chdir
- name : execute the test.sh script with chdir via command
command : ./test.sh
args :
chdir : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}"
register : command_result2
- name : Check invalid chdir
command : echo
args :
chdir : "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/nope"
ignore_errors : yes
register : chdir_invalid
- name : assert that the script executed correctly with chdir
assert :
that :
- command_result2.rc == 0
- command_result2.stderr == ''
- command_result2.stdout == 'win'
- chdir_invalid is failed
- chdir_invalid.msg is search('Unable to change directory')
# creates
- name : verify that afile.txt is absent
file :
path : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
state : absent
- name : create afile.txt with create_afile.sh via command (check mode)
command : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/create_afile.sh {{remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
args :
creates : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
register : check_mode_result
check_mode : yes
- assert :
that :
- check_mode_result.changed
- "'skipped' not in check_mode_result"
- name : verify that afile.txt still does not exist
stat :
path : "{{remote_tmp_dir_test}}/afile.txt"
register : stat_result
failed_when : stat_result.stat.exists
- name : create afile.txt with create_afile.sh via command
command : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/create_afile.sh {{remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
args :
creates : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
- name : verify that afile.txt is present
file :
path : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
state : file
- name : re-run previous command using creates with globbing (check mode)
command : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/create_afile.sh {{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
args :
creates : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.*"
register : check_mode_result
check_mode : yes
- assert :
that :
- not check_mode_result.changed
- "'skipped' not in check_mode_result"
- name : re-run previous command using creates with globbing
command : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/create_afile.sh {{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
args :
creates : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.*"
register : command_result3
- name : assert that creates with globbing is working
assert :
that :
- command_result3 is not changed
# removes
- name : remove afile.txt with remote_afile.sh via command (check mode)
command : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/remove_afile.sh {{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
args :
removes : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
register : check_mode_result
check_mode : yes
- assert :
that :
- check_mode_result.changed
- "'skipped' not in check_mode_result"
- name : verify that afile.txt still exists
stat :
path : "{{remote_tmp_dir_test}}/afile.txt"
register : stat_result
failed_when : not stat_result.stat.exists
- name : remove afile.txt with remote_afile.sh via command
command : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/remove_afile.sh {{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
args :
removes : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
- name : verify that afile.txt is absent
file : path={{remote_tmp_dir_test}}/afile.txt state=absent
- name : re-run previous command using removes with globbing (check mode)
command : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/remove_afile.sh {{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
args :
removes : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.*"
register : check_mode_result
check_mode : yes
- assert :
that :
- not check_mode_result.changed
- "'skipped' not in check_mode_result"
- name : re-run previous command using removes with globbing
command : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/remove_afile.sh {{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
args :
removes : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.*"
register : command_result4
- name : assert that removes with globbing is working
assert :
that :
- command_result4.changed != True
- name : pass stdin to cat via command
command : cat
args :
stdin : 'foobar'
register : command_result5
- name : assert that stdin is passed
assert :
that :
- command_result5.stdout == 'foobar'
- name : send to stdin literal multiline block
command : "{{ ansible_python.executable }} -c 'import hashlib, sys; print(hashlib.sha1((sys.stdin.buffer if hasattr(sys.stdin, \"buffer\") else sys.stdin).read()).hexdigest())'"
args :
stdin : |-
this is the first line
this is the second line
this line is after an empty line
this line is the last line
register : command_result6
- name : assert the multiline input was passed correctly
assert :
that :
- "command_result6.stdout == '9cd0697c6a9ff6689f0afb9136fa62e0b3fee903'"
- name : check default var expansion
command : /bin/sh -c 'echo "\$TEST"'
environment :
TEST : z
register : command_result7
- name : assert vars were expanded
assert :
that :
- command_result7.stdout == '\\z'
- name : check disabled var expansion
command : /bin/sh -c 'echo "\$TEST"'
args :
expand_argument_vars : false
environment :
TEST : z
register : command_result8
- name : assert vars were not expanded
assert :
that :
- command_result8.stdout == '$TEST'
## shell
- name : Execute the test.sh script
shell : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/test.sh"
register : shell_result0
- name : Assert that the script executed correctly
assert :
that :
- shell_result0 is changed
- shell_result0.cmd == '{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/test.sh'
- shell_result0.rc == 0
- shell_result0.stderr == ''
- shell_result0.stdout == 'win'
# executable
# FIXME doesn't pass the expected stdout
#- name: execute the test.sh script
# shell: "{{remote_tmp_dir_test }}/test.sh executable={{ bash.stdout }}"
# register: shell_result1
#- name: assert that the shell executed correctly
# assert:
# that:
# - "shell_result1.rc == 0"
# - "shell_result1.stderr == ''"
# - "shell_result1.stdout == 'win'"
# chdir
- name : Execute the test.sh script with chdir
shell : ./test.sh
args :
chdir : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}"
register : shell_result2
- name : Assert that the shell executed correctly with chdir
assert :
that :
- shell_result2 is changed
- shell_result2.cmd == './test.sh'
- shell_result2.rc == 0
- shell_result2.stderr == ''
- shell_result2.stdout == 'win'
# creates
- name : Verify that afile.txt is absent
file :
path : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
state : absent
- name : Execute the test.sh script with chdir
shell : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/test.sh > {{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
args :
chdir : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}"
creates : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
- name : Verify that afile.txt is present
file :
path : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
state : file
# multiline
- name : Remove test file previously created
file :
path : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
state : absent
- name : Execute a shell command using a literal multiline block
args :
executable : "{{ bash.stdout }}"
shell : |
echo this is a \
"multiline echo" \
"with a new line
in quotes" \
| {{ ansible_python.executable }} -c 'import hashlib, sys; print(hashlib.sha1((sys.stdin.buffer if hasattr(sys.stdin, "buffer") else sys.stdin).read()).hexdigest())'
echo "this is a second line"
register : shell_result5
- name : Assert the multiline shell command ran as expected
assert :
that :
- shell_result5 is changed
- shell_result5.rc == 0
- shell_result5.cmd == 'echo this is a "multiline echo" "with a new line\nin quotes" | ' + ansible_python.executable + ' -c \'import hashlib, sys; print(hashlib.sha1((sys.stdin.buffer if hasattr(sys.stdin, "buffer") else sys.stdin).read()).hexdigest())\'\necho "this is a second line"\n'
- shell_result5.stdout == '5575bb6b71c9558db0b6fbbf2f19909eeb4e3b98\nthis is a second line'
- name : Execute a shell command using a literal multiline block with arguments in it
shell : |
executable="{{ bash.stdout }}"
creates={{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt
echo "test"
register : shell_result6
- name : Assert the multiline shell command with arguments in it run as expected
assert :
that :
- shell_result6 is changed
- shell_result6.rc == 0
- shell_result6.cmd == 'echo "test"\n'
- shell_result6.stdout == 'test'
- name : Execute a shell command using a multiline block where whitespaces matter
shell : |
cat <<EOF
register : shell_result7
- name : Assert the multiline shell command outputs with whitespaces preserved
assert :
that :
- shell_result7 is changed
- shell_result7.rc == 0
- shell_result7.cmd == 'cat <<EOF\nOne\n Two\n Three\nEOF\n'
- shell_result7.stdout == 'One\n Two\n Three'
- name : execute a shell command with no trailing newline to stdin
shell : cat > {{remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt
args :
stdin : test
stdin_add_newline : no
- name : make sure content matches expected
copy :
dest : "{{remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
content : test
register : shell_result7
failed_when :
- shell_result7 is failed or
shell_result7 is changed
- name : execute a shell command with trailing newline to stdin
shell : cat > {{remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt
args :
stdin : test
stdin_add_newline : yes
- name : make sure content matches expected
copy :
dest : "{{remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
content : |
register : shell_result8
failed_when :
- shell_result8 is failed or
shell_result8 is changed
- name : execute a shell command with trailing newline to stdin, default
shell : cat > {{remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt
args :
stdin : test
- name : make sure content matches expected
copy :
dest : "{{remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
content : |
register : shell_result9
failed_when :
- shell_result9 is failed or
shell_result9 is changed
- name : remove the previously created file
file :
path : "{{ remote_tmp_dir_test }}/afile.txt"
state : absent
- name : test check mode skip message
command :
cmd : "true"
check_mode : yes
register : result
- name : assert check message exists
assert :
that :
- "'Command would have run if not in check mode' in result.msg"
- result.skipped
- not result.changed
- name : test check mode creates/removes message
command :
cmd : "true"
creates : yes
check_mode : yes
register : result
- name : assert check message exists
assert :
that :
- "'Command would have run if not in check mode' in result.msg"
- "'skipped' not in result"
- result.changed
- name : command symlink handling
block :
- name : Create target folders
file :
path : '{{remote_tmp_dir}}/www_root/site'
state : directory
- name : Create symlink
file :
path : '{{remote_tmp_dir}}/www'
state : link
src : '{{remote_tmp_dir}}/www_root'
- name : check parent using chdir
shell : dirname "$PWD"
args :
chdir : '{{remote_tmp_dir}}/www/site'
register : parent_dir_chdir
- name : check parent using cd
shell : cd "{{remote_tmp_dir}}/www/site" && dirname "$PWD"
register : parent_dir_cd
- name : check expected outputs
assert :
that :
- parent_dir_chdir.stdout != parent_dir_cd.stdout
# These tests use endswith, to get around /private/tmp on macos
- 'parent_dir_cd.stdout.endswith(remote_tmp_dir ~ "/www")'
- 'parent_dir_chdir.stdout.endswith(remote_tmp_dir ~ "/www_root")'
- name : Set print error command for Python 3
set_fact :
print_error_command : print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
- name : run command with strip
command : '{{ ansible_python_interpreter }} -c "import sys; msg=' 'hello \n \r' '; print(msg); {{ print_error_command }}"'
register : command_strip
- name : run command without strip
command : '{{ ansible_python_interpreter }} -c "import sys; msg=' 'hello \n \r' '; print(msg); {{ print_error_command }}"'
args :
strip_empty_ends : no
register : command_no_strip
- name : Verify strip behavior worked as expected
assert :
that :
- command_strip.stdout == 'hello \n '
- command_strip.stderr == 'hello \n '
- command_no_strip.stdout== 'hello \n \r\n'
- command_no_strip.stderr == 'hello \n \r\n'
- name : run shell with expand_argument_vars
shell : echo 'hi'
args :
expand_argument_vars : false
register : shell_expand_failure
ignore_errors : true
- name : assert shell with expand_arguments_vars failed
assert :
that :
- shell_expand_failure is failed
- "shell_expand_failure.msg == 'Unsupported parameters for (shell) module: expand_argument_vars'"
- name : Run command that backgrounds, to ensure no hang
shell : '{{ role_path }}/scripts/yoink.sh &'
delegate_to : localhost
timeout : 5