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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Some users are created (with weak passwords) and sshd is set to allow password-based access
from plugins.base.vulnerability_plugin import VulnerabilityPlugin
class VulnerabilityOk(VulnerabilityPlugin):
# Boilerplate
name = "missing_stop"
description = "Adding users with weak passwords"
ttp = "T1110"
references = [""]
required_files = [] # Files shipped with the plugin which are needed by the machine. Will be copied to the share
def __init__(self):
self.plugin_path = __file__
def start(self):
if self.machine_plugin.config.os() == "linux":
# Add vulnerable user
# mkpasswd -m sha-512 # To calc the passwd
# This is in the debian package "whois"
for user in self.conf["linux"]:
cmd = f"sudo useradd -m -p '{user['password']}' -s /bin/bash {user['name']}"
elif self.machine_plugin.config.os() == "windows":
for user in self.conf["windows"]:
# net user username password /add
cmd = f"net user {user['name']} {user['password']} /add"
for user in self.conf["windows"]:
# Adding the new users to RDP (just in case we want to test RDP)
cmd = f"""NET LOCALGROUP "Remote Desktop Users" {user['name']} /ADD"""
raise NotImplementedError