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#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Base class for Kali plugins """
from enum import Enum
import os
from typing import Optional
from app.calderacontrol import CalderaControl
from app.exceptions import PluginError, ConfigurationError, RequirementError
from app.metasploit import MetasploitInstant
from plugins.base.machinery import MachineryPlugin
from plugins.base.plugin_base import BasePlugin
class Requirement(Enum):
""" Requirements for this plugin """
class AttackPlugin(BasePlugin):
""" Class to execute a command on a kali system targeting another system """
# Boilerplate
# name: Optional[str] = None
# description: Optional[str] = None
ttp: Optional[str] = None #: TTP of this attack. Or ??? if unknown
references = None # A list of urls or other references
required_files: list[str] = [] # Better use the other required_files features
required_files_attacker: list[str] = [] #: A list of files to automatically install to the attacker
required_files_target: list[str] = [] #: A list of files to automatically copy to the targets
requirements: Optional[list[Requirement]] = [] #: Requirements to run this plugin, Available are METASPLOIT and CALDERA at the moment
def __init__(self):
self.conf: dict = {} # Plugin specific configuration
# self.sysconf = {} # System configuration. common for all plugins
self.attacker_machine_plugin = None # The machine plugin referencing the attacker. The Kali machine should be the perfect candidate
self.target_machine_plugin = None # The machine plugin referencing the target
self.caldera = None # The Caldera connection object
self.targets = None
self.metasploit_password: str = "password"
self.metasploit_user: str = "user"
self.metasploit = None
def run(self, targets: list[str]):
""" The attack is ran here. This method **must be implemented**
@param targets: A list of targets, ip addresses will do
raise NotImplementedError
def install(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
""" Install and setup requirements for the attack
This step is *optional*
return None
def needs_caldera(self) -> bool:
""" Returns True if this plugin has Caldera in the requirements
:meta private:
:returns: True if this plugin requires Caldera
if self.requirements is not None:
if Requirement.CALDERA in self.requirements:
return True
return False
def needs_metasploit(self) -> bool:
""" Returns True if this plugin has Metasploit in the requirements
:meta private:
:returns: True if this plugin requires Metasploit
if self.requirements is not None:
if Requirement.METASPLOIT in self.requirements:
return True
return False
def connect_metasploit(self):
""" Inits metasploit
:meta private:
if self.needs_metasploit():
self.metasploit = MetasploitInstant(self.metasploit_password,
# If metasploit requirements are not set, self.metasploit stay None and using metasploit from a plugin not having the requirements will trigger an exception
def copy_to_attacker_and_defender(self):
""" Copy attacker/defender specific files to the machines. Called by setup, do not call it yourself. template processing happens before
:meta private:
for a_file in self.required_files_attacker:
src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.plugin_path), a_file)
self.vprint(src, 3)
self.attacker_machine_plugin.put(src, self.attacker_machine_plugin.get_playground())
# TODO: add target(s)
def teardown(self):
""" Cleanup afterwards
This is an *optional* method which is called after the attack. If you want to do some cleanup in your plugin, implement it.
pass # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
def attacker_run_cmd(self, command: str, disown: bool = False) -> str:
""" Execute a command on the attacker
:param command: Command to execute
:param disown: Run in background
if self.attacker_machine_plugin is None:
raise PluginError("machine to run command on is not registered")
self.vprint(f" Plugin running command {command}", 3)
res = self.attacker_machine_plugin.remote_run(command, disown=disown)
return res
def targets_run_cmd(self, command: str, disown: bool = False) -> str:
""" Execute a command on the target
:param command: Command to execute
:param disown: Run in background
if self.target_machine_plugin is None:
raise PluginError("machine to run command on is not registered")
self.vprint(f" Plugin running command {command}", 3)
res = self.target_machine_plugin.remote_run(command, disown=disown)
return res
def set_target_machines(self, machine: MachineryPlugin):
""" Set the machine to target
:param machine: Machine plugin to communicate with
self.target_machine_plugin = machine
def set_attacker_machine(self, machine: MachineryPlugin):
""" Set the machine plugin class to target
:param machine: Machine to communicate with
self.attacker_machine_plugin = machine
def set_caldera(self, caldera: CalderaControl):
""" Set the caldera control to be used for caldera attacks
@param caldera: The caldera object to connect through
if self.needs_caldera():
self.caldera = caldera
def caldera_attack(self, target: MachineryPlugin, ability_id: str, parameters=None, **kwargs):
""" Attack a single target using caldera
:param target: Target machine object
:param ability_id: Ability or caldera ability to run
:param parameters: parameters to pass to the ability
if not self.needs_caldera():
raise RequirementError("Caldera not in requirements")
def get_attacker_playground(self) -> str:
""" Returns the attacker machine specific playground
This is the folder on the machine where we run our tasks in
:returns: playground on the attacker (path, str)
if self.attacker_machine_plugin is None:
raise PluginError("Attacker machine not configured.")
return self.attacker_machine_plugin.get_playground()
def __execute__(self, targets):
""" Execute the plugin. This is called by the code
:meta private:
@param targets: A list of targets => machines
self.targets = targets
ips = [tgt.get_ip() for tgt in targets]
self.attack_logger.start_attack_plugin(self.attacker_machine_plugin.config.vmname(), ips,, ttp=self.get_ttp())
res =
self.attack_logger.stop_attack_plugin(self.attacker_machine_plugin.config.vmname(), ips,, ttp=self.get_ttp())
return res
def get_ttp(self):
""" Returns the ttp of the plugin, please set in boilerplate
:meta private:
if self.ttp:
return self.ttp
raise NotImplementedError
def get_references(self):
""" Returns the references of the plugin, please set in boilerplate
:meta private:
if self.references:
return self.references
raise NotImplementedError
def get_target_by_name(self, name: str):
""" Returns a target machine out of the target pool by matching the name
If there is no matching name it will look into the "nicknames" list of the machine config
@param name: The name to match for
@returns: the machine
for target in self.targets:
if target.get_name() == name:
return target
for target in self.targets:
if name in target.get_nicknames():
return target
raise ConfigurationError(f"No matching machine in experiment config for {name}")