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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A plugin to nmap targets
from plugins.base.kali import KaliPlugin
# TODO All scan patterns need explicit logging into the attack log !
# TODO: Add config for subnet range for ping sweeps
# TODO: Add IP exclusion --exclude ip,ip,ip to not accidentially scan non-targets
# TODO: host discovery Ping scan: -sn
# TODO: host discovery PE ICMP echo
# TODO: host discovery PP ICMP timestamp
# TODO: host discovery PM ICMP netmask request
# TODO: host discovery PS: SYN host discovery
# TODO: host discovery PA: ACK host discovery
# TODO: host discovery PU: UDP host discovery
# TODO: host discovery PR: ARP ping
# TODO: host discovery -PO1: ICMP ping
# TODO: host discovery -PO2: IGMP ping
# TODO: --traceroute in addition to host discovery
# TODO: -R <ip> reverse DNS. Needs a DNS in the big picture. No idea if valuable
# TODO: host discovery reverse DNS resolution
# TODO OS identification
# TODO service discovery
# TODO stealth scans
# TODO firewall evasion
# TODO service fingerprinting
# TODO udp scans -sU
# TODO TCP SYN scan: -sS
# TODO TCP connect scan: -sT
# TODO port scan without prior ping (this is to avoid triggering firewall logic): -Pn
# TODO: -O OS detection
# TODO: -sV service version detection
# TODO -sS syn scan, stealthy
# TODO -sT tcp connect scan - needs no special permissions
# TODO. -p- scan all ports
# TODO: -p <range> scan port rance
# TODO: -sS -A (aggressive scanning, will also connect to services, run script and detect vulnerabilities like anonymous FTP accounts)
# TODO: --reason: Additional info. I do not think the web traffic will change. So I do not think this is important
# TODO: -F fast scan (fewer ports than default scan)
# TODO: -oX -oG output as XML or grepable. If we want to process the results that could be handy
# TODO: -sN NULL scan, no bits are set
# TODO: -sF FIN scan: FIN bit is set
# TODO: -sX Xmas scan: FIN, PSH and URG flag set
# TODO firewall evasion : -sS and -f for fragmented. old tech. But good for basic NDS tests
# TODO decoy scan: -D RND:5 to generate 5 decoys
# TODO spoof mac: --spoof-mac with 0, Apple, Dell, Cisco or fake MAC the first parameters in this list will generate random mac
# TODO: Use timing settings: -T0-T5 (paranoid, sneaky, polite, default, aggressive, insane). --min-parallelism 100 (for crashes) and use --scan-delay 10s or similar
# By that: crash sensors (most aggressive) or be under the detection threshold
class NmapPlugin(KaliPlugin):
# Boilerplate
name = "nmap"
description = "NMap scan the target"
ttp = "T1595"
references = [""]
required_files = [] # Files shipped with the plugin which are needed by the kali tool. Will be copied to the kali share
def __init__(self):
self.plugin_path = __file__
def run(self, targets):
""" Run the command
@param targets: A list of targets, ip addresses will do
res = ""
# Set defaults if not present in config
playground = self.machine_plugin.get_playground()
# Generate command
cmd = f"cd {playground};"
# cmd += "sudo apt -y install nmap;"
for t in targets:
cmd += f"nmap {t};"
res += self.run_cmd(cmd) or ""
return res