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Vulnerability plugins
To leave attack traces on a machine it should be vulnerable. Services should run. Old application be installed, users with weak passwords added to the system. You get the idea.
This plugin type allows you to punch some holes into the protection of a machine. Which vulnerability plugins are loaded for a specific target is defined in the configuration file. Feel free to weaken the defenses.
To create a new plugin, start a sub-folder in plugins. The python file in there must contain a class that inherits from *VulnerabilityPlugin*.
There is an example plugin ** that you can use as template.
The boilerplate contains some basics:
* name: a unique name, also used in the config yaml file to reference this plugin
* description: A human readable description for this plugin.
* ttp: The TTP number of this kali attack. See Just as a hint which TTP this vulnerability could be related to
* references: A list of urls to blog posts or similar describing the attack
* required_files: A list. If you ship files with your plugin, listing them here will cause them to be installed on plugin init.
Method: install (optional)
*start* installs the vulnerability on the target. *install* is called before that. If you have to setup anything in the plugin space (and not on the target) do it here.
Method: start
Adds the vulnerability to the machine. The most important method you can use here is "self.run_cmd" and execute a shell command.
Method: stop
Undo the changes after the attacks ran. If the machine is re-used (and not re-built or run from a snapshot) this will make it simpler for the user to run more experiments on slightly modified systems.
The plugin class
.. autoclass:: plugins.base.vulnerability_plugin.VulnerabilityPlugin