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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A standalon document generator. Takes an attack log and generates a doc using templates. Functionality will later be merged into PurpleDome
import json
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape
# from pprint import pprint
def generate(jfile, outfile):
env = Environment(
loader=FileSystemLoader("templates", encoding='utf-8', followlinks=False),
# lstrip_blocks=True
template = env.get_template("attack_description.rst")
with open(jfile) as fh:
events = json.load(fh)
rendered = template.render(events=events)
with open(outfile, "wt") as fh:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# generate("loot/2021_07_19___16_28_45/attack.json", "tools/human_readable_documentation/contents.rst") # Working example for a short run
# generate("loot/2021_07_20___08_26_33/attack.json", "tools/human_readable_documentation/contents.rst") # FIN 7 #1
# generate("loot/2021_07_20___10_07_36/attack.json", "tools/human_readable_documentation/contents.rst") # FIN 7 #2 The one Fabrizio got
# generate("loot/2021_07_28___12_09_00/attack.json",
# "tools/human_readable_documentation/contents.rst") # FIN 7 The last minute locally generated thing
# generate("loot/2021_08_30___14_40_23/attack.json",
# "tools/human_readable_documentation/contents.rst") # FIN 7 With genereated files added
# generate("removeme/loot/2021_09_07___08_59_42/attack.json",
# "tools/human_readable_documentation/source/contents.rst") # FIN 7 first run on environment
"tools/human_readable_documentation/source/contents.rst") # FIN 7 locally with extended data (older: loot/2021_09_07___14_38_14)
# generate("loot/2021_07_19___15_10_45/attack.json", "tools/human_readable_documentation/contents.rst")
# generate("removeme.json", "tools/human_readable_documentation/contents.rst")