************ Kali plugins ************ Kali attacks can be extended using a plugin system. An example plugin is in the file *hydra_plugin.py*. It contains a plugin class that **MUST** be based on the *KaliPlugin* class. :: Important: We want to improve defense in this project. Adding any attack must be done with this goal. To guarantee that: * Only add attacks that are already ITW * Link to blog posts describing this attack * Maybe already drop some ideas how to detect and block * Or even add code to detect and block it Usage ===== To create a new plugin, start a sub-folder in plugins. The python file in there must contain a class that inherits from *KaliPlugin*. There is an example plugin *hydra.py* that you can use as template. Boilerplate ----------- The boilerplate contains some basics: * name: a unique name, also used in the config yaml file to reference this plugin * description: A human readable description for this plugin. * ttp: The TTP number of this kali attack. See https://attack.mitre.org/ * references. A list of urls to blog posts or similar describing the attack * required_files: A list. If you ship files with your plugin, listing them here will cause them to be installed on plugin init. Method: process_config ---------------------- This class processes the plugin specific configuration. The *config* parameter will contain the plugin specific part of the yaml config file. You job will be to parse it, offer sane defaults and store the parsed config in *self.conf[]*. Method: command --------------- Creates a command that can be run on the kali machine as command. Parameters and configs you can use: * targets: a list of ip addresses of potential targets * config: special config for this call * self.sysconf: global plugin configuration. Like the path to the kali share (internal or external) * self.conf: The configuration you created in the *process_config* method Method: run ----------- This will run the command line created by the method *command* on the kali attacker. Configuration ------------- If you are using the plugin, you **must** have a config section for this kali plugin in the configuration. Even if it is empty. The plugin class ================ .. autoclass:: plugins.base.kali.KaliPlugin :members: