Attack ====== Boilerplate ----------- PurpleDome, attack-log version: {{ boilerplate.log_format_major_version }}.{{ boilerplate.log_format_minor_version }} Systems ------- {% for s in systems %} {{ s.role }}:{{ }} ~~~~~~~~~~~~ IP: {{ s.ip }} OS: {{ s.os }} Paw: {{ s.paw }} Group: {{ }} Sensors: {% for sensor in s.sensors %} * {{ sensor }} {% endfor %} {# sensors #} Vulnerabilities: {% for vulnerability in s.vulnerabilities %} * {{ vulnerability }} {% endfor %} {# vulnerabilities #} {% endfor %} {# systems #} Attack steps ------------ {% for e in events %} {% if e.event is eq("start") %} {% if e.type is eq("attack_step") %} {{ e.text }} ~~~~~~~~~~~~ {% endif %} {# end attack_step #} {% if e.type is eq("dropping_file") %} Dropping file to target ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At {{ e.timestamp }} The file {{ e.file_name }} is dropped to the target {{ }}. {% endif %} {% if e.type is eq("execute_payload") %} Executing payload on target ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At {{ e.timestamp }} The command {{ e.command }} is used to start a file on the target {{ }}. {% endif %} {% if e.type is eq("narration") %} {{ e.text }} {% endif %} {% if e.sub_type is eq("metasploit") %} Metasploit attack {{ }} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Tactics: {{ e.tactics }} + Tactics ID: {{ e.tactics_id }} + Hunting Tag: {{ e.hunting_tag}} + At {{ e.timestamp }} a Metasploit command {{ }} was used to attack {{ }} from {{ e.source }}. + Description: {{ e.description }} + Code in {{ e.sourcefile }} / {{ e.sourceline }} {% if e.metasploit_command is string() %} + Metasploit command: {{ e.metasploit_command }} {% endif %} {% if e.situation_description is string() %} + Situation: {{ e.situation_description }} {% endif %} {% if e.countermeasure is string() %} + Countermeasure: {{ e.countermeasure }} {% endif %} {% if e.result is string() %} Attack result:: {{ e.result }} {% endif %} {% if e.result is iterable() %} Attack result:: {% for item in e.result %} {{ item|trim()|indent(4) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if e.sub_type is eq("kali") %} Kali attack {{ }} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Tactics: {{ e.tactics }} + Tactics ID: {{ e.tactics_id }} + Hunting Tag: {{ e.hunting_tag}} + At {{ e.timestamp }} a Kali command {{ e.kali_name }} was used to attack {{ }} from {{ e.source }}. + Description: {{ e.description }} {% if e.kali_command is string() %} + Kali command: {{ e.kali_command }} {% endif %} {% if e.situation_description is string() %} + Situation: {{ e.situation_description }} {% endif %} {% if e.countermeasure is string() %} + Countermeasure: {{ e.countermeasure }} {% endif %} {% if e.result is string() %} Attack result:: {{ e.result }} {% endif %} {% if e.result is iterable() %} Attack result:: {% for item in e.result %} {{ item|trim()|indent(4) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if e.sub_type is eq("caldera") %} Caldera attack {{ }} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Tactics: {{ e.tactics }} + Tactics ID: {{ e.tactics_id }} + Hunting Tag: {{ e.hunting_tag}} + At {{ e.timestamp }} a Caldera ability {{ e.ability_id }}/"{{ }}" was used to attack the group {{ e.target_group }} from {{ e.source }}. + Description: {{ e.description }} {% if e.situation_description is string() %} + Situation: {{ e.situation_description }} {% endif %} {% if e.countermeasure is string() %} + Countermeasure: {{ e.countermeasure }} {% endif %} {% if e.result is string() %} Attack result:: {{ e.result }} {% endif %} {% if e.result is iterable() %} Attack result:: {% for item in e.result %} {{ item|trim()|indent(4) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# event equal start #} {% endfor %} Tools ----- {% for e in events %} {% if e.event is eq("start") %} {% if e.type is eq("build") %} Building tool {{ e.filename }} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The file {{ e.filename }} is built {% if e.for_step %} It will be used in Step {{ e.for_step }} {% endif %} Build time is between {{ e.timestamp }} and {{ e.timestamp_end }} {% if e.dl_uri is string() %} Built from source downloaded from {{ e.dl_uri }} {% endif %} {% if e.dl_uris %} Built from sources downloaded from {% for i in e.dl_uris %} * {{ i }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if e.payload is string() %} The attack tool uses a Meterpreter payload. The payload is {{ e.payload }}. The payload is built for the {{ e.platform }} platform and the {{ e.architecture }} architecture. The settings for lhost and lport are {{ e.lhost }}/{{ e.lport }}. {% endif %} {% if e.encoding is string() %} The file was encoded using {{ e.encoding }} after compilation. {% endif %} {% if e.encoded_filename is string() %} The encoded version is named {{ e.encoded_filename }}. {% endif %} {% if e.SRDI_conversion %} The attack tool was converted to position independent shellcode. See: {% endif %} {{ e.comment }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}