#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Remote control a caldera server """ import json import os import time import requests import simplejson from app.exceptions import CalderaError from app.interface_sfx import CommandlineColors from pprint import pprint, pformat # TODO: Ability deserves an own class. # TODO: Support Stealth settings: "plain-text obfuscation","base64 obfuscation","base64jumble obfuscation","caesar cipher obfuscation","base64noPadding obfuscation","steganography obfuscation" # TODO: Support Jitter (min/max) # TODO: Support all Caldera agents: "Sandcat (GoLang)","Elasticat (Blue Python/ Elasticsearch)","Manx (Reverse Shell TCP)","Ragdoll (Python/HTML)" class CalderaControl(): """ Remote control Caldera through REST api """ def __init__(self, server, attack_logger, config=None, apikey=None): """ @param server: Caldera server url/ip @param attack_logger: The attack logger to use @param config: The configuration """ # print(server) self.url = server if server.endswith("/") else server + "/" self.attack_logger = attack_logger self.config = config if self.config: self.apikey = self.config.caldera_apikey() else: self.apikey = apikey def fetch_client(self, platform="windows", file="sandcat.go", target_dir=".", extension=""): """ Downloads the appropriate Caldera client @param platform: Platform to download the agent for @param file: file to download from caldera. This defines the agent type @param target_dir: directory to drop the new file into @param extension: File extension to add to the downloaded file """ header = {"platform": platform, "file": file} fullurl = self.url + "file/download" request = requests.get(fullurl, headers=header) filename = request.headers["FILENAME"] + extension open(os.path.join(target_dir, filename), "wb").write(request.content) # print(r.headers) return filename def __contact_server__(self, payload, rest_path="api/rest", method="post"): """ @param payload: payload as dict to send to the server @param rest_path: specific path for this rest api @param method: http method to use """ url = self.url + rest_path header = {"KEY": self.apikey, "Content-Type": "application/json"} if method.lower() == "post": request = requests.post(url, headers=header, data=json.dumps(payload)) elif method.lower() == "put": request = requests.put(url, headers=header, data=json.dumps(payload)) elif method.lower() == "get": request = requests.get(url, headers=header, data=json.dumps(payload)) elif method.lower() == "delete": request = requests.delete(url, headers=header, data=json.dumps(payload)) else: raise ValueError try: res = request.json() except simplejson.errors.JSONDecodeError as exception: print("!!! Error !!!!") print(payload) print(request.text) print("!!! Error !!!!") raise exception return res # ############## List def list_links(self, opid): """ List links associated with an operation @param opid: operation id to list links for """ payload = {"index": "link", "op_id": opid} return self.__contact_server__(payload) def list_results(self, linkid): """ List results for a link @param linkid: ID of the link """ payload = {"index": "result", "link_id": linkid} return self.__contact_server__(payload) def list_operations(self): """ Return operations """ payload = {"index": "operations"} return self.__contact_server__(payload) def list_abilities(self): """ Return all ablilities """ # curl -H 'KEY: ADMIN123' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"index":"abilities"}' payload = {"index": "abilities"} return self.__contact_server__(payload) def list_agents(self): """ List running agents """ # TODO: Add filters for specific platforms/executors : , platform_filter=None, executor_filter=None as parameters # curl -H 'KEY: ADMIN123' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"index":"agents"}' payload = {"index": "agents"} agents = self.__contact_server__(payload) return agents def list_sources(self): """ List stored facts """ # TODO: Add filters for specific platforms/executors : , platform_filter=None, executor_filter=None as parameters # curl -H 'KEY: ADMIN123' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"index":"agents"}' payload = {"index": "sources"} facts = self.__contact_server__(payload) return facts def list_sources_for_name(self, name): """ List facts in a source pool with a specific name """ for i in self.list_sources(): if i["name"] == name: return i return None def list_facts_for_name(self, name): """ Pretty format for facts @param name: Name of the source ot look into """ source = self.list_sources_for_name(name) if source is None: return {} res = {} for i in source["facts"]: res[i["trait"]] = {"value": i["value"], "technique_id": i["technique_id"], "collected_by": i["collected_by"] } return res def list_paws_of_running_agents(self): """ Returns a list of all paws of running agents """ return [i["paw"] for i in self.list_agents()] def list_adversaries(self): """ List registered adversaries """ # curl -H 'KEY: ADMIN123' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"index":"adversaries"}' payload = {"index": "adversaries"} return self.__contact_server__(payload) def list_objectives(self): """ List registered objectives """ # curl -H 'KEY: ADMIN123' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"index":"objectives"}' payload = {"index": "objectives"} return self.__contact_server__(payload) # ######### Get one specific item def get_operation(self, name): """ Gets an operation by name @param name: Name of the operation to look for """ for operation in self.list_operations(): if operation["name"] == name: return operation return None def get_adversary(self, name): """ Gets a specific adversary by name @param name: Name to look for """ for adversary in self.list_adversaries(): if adversary["name"] == name: return adversary return None def get_objective(self, name): """ Returns an objective with a given name @param name: Name to filter for """ for objective in self.list_objectives(): if objective["name"] == name: return objective return None # ######### Get by id def get_source(self, source_name): payload = {"index": "sources", "name": source_name} return self.__contact_server__(payload) def get_ability(self, abid): """" Return an ability by id @param abid: Ability id """ res = [] for ability in self.list_abilities(): if ability["ability_id"] == abid: res.append(ability) return res def does_ability_support_platform(self, abid: str, platform: str) -> bool: """ Checks if an ability supports a specific os @param abid: ability id. @param platform: os string to match for """ # caldera knows the os-es "windows", "linux" and "darwin" for ability in self.get_ability(abid): if ability["platform"] == platform: return True return False def get_operation_by_id(self, op_id): """ Get operation by id @param op_id: Operation id """ payload = {"index": "operations", "id": op_id} return self.__contact_server__(payload) def get_result_by_id(self, linkid): """ Get the result from a link id @param linkid: link id """ payload = {"index": "result", "link_id": linkid} return self.__contact_server__(payload) def get_linkid(self, op_id, paw, ability_id): """ Get the id of a link identified by paw and ability_id @param op_id: Operation id @param paw: Paw of the agent @param ability_id: Ability id to filter for """ operation = self.get_operation_by_id(op_id) # print("Check for: {} {}".format(paw, ability_id)) for alink in operation[0]["chain"]: # print("Lookup: PAW: {} Ability: {}".format(alink["paw"], alink["ability"]["ability_id"])) # print("In: " + str(alink)) if alink["paw"] == paw and alink["ability"]["ability_id"] == ability_id: return alink["id"] return None # ######### View def view_operation_report(self, opid): """ views the operation report @param opid: Operation id to look for """ # let postData = selectedOperationId ? {'index':'operation_report', 'op_id': selectedOperationId, 'agent_output': Number(agentOutput)} : null; # checking it (from snifffing protocol at the server): POST {'id': 539687} payload = {"index": "operation_report", "op_id": opid, 'agent_output': 1 } return self.__contact_server__(payload) def view_operation_output(self, opid, paw, ability_id): """ Gets the output of an executed ability @param opid: Id of the operation to look for @param paw: Paw of the agent to look up @param ability_id: if of the ability to extract the output from """ orep = self.view_operation_report(opid) if paw not in orep["steps"]: print("Broken operation report:") pprint(orep) print(f"Could not find {paw} in {orep['steps']}") raise CalderaError # print("oprep: " + str(orep)) for a_step in orep["steps"][paw]["steps"]: if a_step["ability_id"] == ability_id: try: return a_step["output"] except KeyError as exception: raise CalderaError from exception # print(f"Did not find ability {ability_id} in caldera operation output") return None # ######### Add def add_sources(self, name, parameters): """ Adds a data source and seeds it with facts """ payload = {"index": "sources", "name": name, # "id": "123456-1234-1234-1234-12345678", "rules": [], "relationships": [] } facts = [] if parameters is not None: for k, v in parameters.items(): facts.append({"trait": k, "value": v}) payload["facts"] = facts print(payload) return self.__contact_server__(payload, method="put") def add_operation(self, name, advid, group="red", state="running", obfuscator="plain-text", jitter='4/8', parameters=None): """ Adds a new operation @param name: Name of the operation @param advid: Adversary id @param group: agent group to attack @param state: state to initially set @param obfuscator: obfuscator to use for the attack @param jitter: jitter to use for the attack @param parameters: parameters to pass to the ability """ # Add operation: curl -X PUT -H "KEY:$KEY" -d '{"index":"operations","name":"testoperation1"}' # observed from GUI sniffing: PUT {'name': 'schnuffel2', 'group': 'red', 'adversary_id': '0f4c3c67-845e-49a0-927e-90ed33c044e0', 'state': 'running', 'planner': 'atomic', 'autonomous': '1', 'obfuscator': 'plain-text', 'auto_close': '1', 'jitter': '4/8', 'source': 'Alice Filters', 'visibility': '50'} sources_name = "source_" + name self.add_sources(sources_name, parameters) print("Got:") print(self.get_source("source_name")) payload = {"index": "operations", "name": name, "state": state, "autonomous": 1, 'obfuscator': obfuscator, 'auto_close': '1', 'jitter': jitter, 'source': sources_name, 'visibility': '50', "group": group, # "planner": "atomic", "adversary_id": advid, } return self.__contact_server__(payload, method="put") def add_adversary(self, name, ability, description="created automatically"): """ Adds a new adversary @param name: Name of the adversary @param ability: One ability for this adversary @param description: Description of this adversary """ # Add operation: curl -X PUT -H "KEY:$KEY" -d '{"index":"operations","name":"testoperation1"}' # Sniffed from gui: # Rest core: PUT adversaries {'name': 'removeme', 'description': 'description', 'atomic_ordering': [{'id': 'bd527b63-9f9e-46e0-9816-b8434d2b8989'}], 'id': '558932cb-3ac6-43d2-b821-2db0fa8ad469', 'objective': ''} # Returns: [{'name': 'removeme', 'adversary_id': '558932cb-3ac6-43d2-b821-2db0fa8ad469', 'description': 'description', 'tags': [], 'atomic_ordering': ['bd527b63-9f9e-46e0-9816-b8434d2b8989'], 'objective': '495a9828-cab1-44dd-a0ca-66e58177d8cc'}] payload = {"index": "adversaries", "name": name, "description": description, "atomic_ordering": [{"id": ability}], # "objective": '495a9828-cab1-44dd-a0ca-66e58177d8cc' # default objective # "objective": '' } return self.__contact_server__(payload, method="put") # ######### Execute # TODO View the abilities a given agent could execute. curl -H "key:$API_KEY" -X POST localhost:8888/plugin/access/abilities -d '{"paw":"$PAW"}' def execute_ability(self, paw, ability_id, obfuscator="plain-text", parameters=None): """ Executes an ability on a target. This happens outside of the scop of an operation. You will get no result of the ability back @param paw: Paw of the target @param ability_id: ability to execute @param obfuscator: Obfuscator to use @param parameters: parameters to pass to the ability """ # curl -H "key:ADMIN123" -X POST localhost:8888/plugin/access/exploit -d '{"paw":"$PAW","ability_id":"$ABILITY_ID"}'``` # You can optionally POST an obfuscator and/or a facts dictionary with key/value pairs to fill in any variables the chosen ability requires. # {"paw":"$PAW","ability_id":"$ABILITY_ID","obfuscator":"base64","facts":[{"trait":"username","value":"admin"},{"trait":"password", "value":"123"}]} payload = {"paw": paw, "ability_id": ability_id, "obfuscator": obfuscator} facts = [] if parameters is not None: for k, v in parameters.items(): facts.append({"trait": k, "value": v}) payload["facts"] = facts print(payload) return self.__contact_server__(payload, rest_path="plugin/access/exploit_ex") def execute_operation(self, operation_id, state="running"): """ Executes an operation on a server @param operation_id: The operation to modify @param state: The state to set this operation into """ # TODO: Change state of an operation: curl -X POST -H "KEY:ADMIN123" http://localhost:8888/api/rest -d '{"index":"operation", "op_id":123, "state":"finished"}' # curl -X POST -H "KEY:ADMIN123" http://localhost:8888/api/rest -d '{"index":"operation", "op_id":123, "state":"finished"}' if state not in ["running", "finished", "paused", "run_one_link", "cleanup"]: raise ValueError payload = {"index": "operation", "op_id": operation_id, "state": state} return self.__contact_server__(payload) # ######### Delete # curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/rest -d '{"index":"operations","id":"$operation_id"}' def delete_operation(self, opid): """ Delete operation by id @param opid: Operation id """ payload = {"index": "operations", "id": opid} return self.__contact_server__(payload, method="delete") def delete_adversary(self, adid): """ Delete adversary by id @param adid: Adversary id """ payload = {"index": "adversaries", "adversary_id": [{"adversary_id": adid}]} return self.__contact_server__(payload, method="delete") def delete_agent(self, paw): """ Delete a specific agent from the kali db. implant may still be running and reconnect @param paw: The Id of the agent to delete """ payload = {"index": "adversaries", "paw": paw} return self.__contact_server__(payload, method="delete") def kill_agent(self, paw): """ Send a message to an agent to kill itself @param paw: The Id of the agent to delete """ payload = {"index": "agents", "paw": paw, "watchdog": 1, "sleep_min": 3, "sleep_max": 3} return self.__contact_server__(payload, method="put") def delete_all_agents(self): """ Delete all agents from kali db """ agents = self.list_paws_of_running_agents() for paw in agents: self.delete_agent(paw) def kill_all_agents(self): """ Send a message to all agent to kill itself """ agents = self.list_paws_of_running_agents() for paw in agents: self.kill_agent(paw) # ######### File access # TODO: Get uploaded files # Link, chain and stuff def is_operation_finished(self, opid, debug=False): """ Checks if an operation finished - finished is not necessary successful ! @param opid: Operation id to check @param debug: Additional debug output """ # An operation can run several Abilities vs several targets (agents). Each one is a link in the chain (see opperation report). # Those links can have the states: # return dict(HIGH_VIZ=-5, # UNTRUSTED=-4, # EXECUTE=-3, # DISCARD=-2, # PAUSE=-1) # Plus: 0 as "finished" # operation = self.get_operation_by_id(opid) if debug: print(f"Operation data {operation}") try: # print(operation[0]["state"]) if operation[0]["state"] == "finished": return True except KeyError as exception: raise CalderaError from exception except IndexError as exception: raise CalderaError from exception return False def is_operation_finished_multi(self, opid): """ Checks if an operation finished - finished is not necessary successful ! On several targets. All links (~ abilities) on all targets must have the status 0 for this to be True. @param opid: Operation id to check """ # An operation can run several Abilities vs several targets (agents). Each one is a link in the chain (see opperation report). # Those links can have the states: # return dict(HIGH_VIZ=-5, # UNTRUSTED=-4, # EXECUTE=-3, # DISCARD=-2, # PAUSE=-1) # Plus: 0 as "finished" # operation = self.get_operation_by_id(opid) # print(f"Operation data {operation}") try: for host_group in operation[0]["host_group"]: for alink in host_group["links"]: if alink["status"] != 0: return False except Exception as exception: raise CalderaError from exception return True # ######## All inclusive methods def attack(self, paw="kickme", ability_id="bd527b63-9f9e-46e0-9816-b8434d2b8989", group="red", target_platform=None, parameters=None): """ Attacks a system and returns results @param paw: Paw to attack @param group: Group to attack. Paw must be in the group @param ability_id: Ability to run against the target @param target_platform: Platform of the target machine. Optional. Used for quick-outs @param parameters: Dict containing key-values of parameters to pass to the ability @:return : True if the attack was executed. False if it was not. For example the target os is not supported by this attack """ # Tested obfuscators (with sandcat): # plain-text: worked # base64: (invalid input on sandcat) # base64jumble: ? # caesar: failed # base64noPadding: worked # steganopgraphy: ? obfuscator = self.config.get_caldera_obfuscator() jitter = self.config.get_caldera_jitter() adversary_name = "generated_adv__" + str(time.time()) operation_name = "testoperation__" + str(time.time()) if target_platform: # Check if an ability does support the platform of the target: if not self.does_ability_support_platform(ability_id, target_platform): self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.FAIL}Platform {target_platform} not supported by {ability_id}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) return False self.add_adversary(adversary_name, ability_id) adid = self.get_adversary(adversary_name)["adversary_id"] self.attack_logger.start_caldera_attack(source=self.url, paw=paw, group=group, ability_id=ability_id, ttp=self.get_ability(ability_id)[0]["technique_id"], name=self.get_ability(ability_id)[0]["name"], description=self.get_ability(ability_id)[0]["description"], obfuscator=obfuscator, jitter=jitter ) # ##### Create / Run Operation self.attack_logger.vprint(f"New adversary generated. ID: {adid}, ability: {ability_id} group: {group}", 2) res = self.add_operation(operation_name, advid=adid, group=group, obfuscator=obfuscator, jitter=jitter, parameters=parameters ) self.attack_logger.vprint(pformat(res), 3) opid = self.get_operation(operation_name)["id"] self.attack_logger.vprint("New operation created. OpID: " + str(opid), 3) self.execute_operation(opid) self.attack_logger.vprint("Execute operation", 3) retries = 30 ability_name = self.get_ability(ability_id)[0]["name"] ability_description = self.get_ability(ability_id)[0]["description"] self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Executed attack operation{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.BACKGROUND_BLUE} PAW: {paw} Group: {group} Ability: {ability_id} {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.BACKGROUND_BLUE} {ability_name}: {ability_description} {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) while not self.is_operation_finished(opid) and retries > 0: self.attack_logger.vprint(f".... waiting for Caldera to finish {retries}", 2) time.sleep(10) retries -= 1 if retries <= 0: self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.FAIL}Ran into retry timeout waiting for attack to finish{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) # TODO: Handle outout from several clients retries = 5 output = None while retries > 0: try: retries -= 1 time.sleep(10) output = self.view_operation_output(opid, paw, ability_id) self.attack_logger.vprint(f".... getting Caldera output {retries}", 2) if output: break except CalderaError: pass if output is None: output = str(self.get_operation_by_id(opid)) self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.FAIL}Failed getting operation data. We just have: {output} from get_operation_by_id{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 0) else: outp = str(output) self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.BACKGROUND_GREEN} Output: {outp} {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) pprint(output) self.attack_logger.vprint(self.list_facts_for_name("source_" + operation_name), 2) # ######## Cleanup self.execute_operation(opid, "cleanup") self.delete_adversary(adid) self.delete_operation(opid) self.attack_logger.stop_caldera_attack(source=self.url, paw=paw, group=group, ability_id=ability_id, ttp=self.get_ability(ability_id)[0]["technique_id"], name=self.get_ability(ability_id)[0]["name"], description=self.get_ability(ability_id)[0]["description"], obfuscator=obfuscator, jitter=jitter ) return True def pretty_print_ability(self, abi): """ Pretty pritns an ability @param abi: A ability dict """ print(""" TTP: {technique_id} Technique name: {technique_name} Tactic: {tactic} Name: {name} ID: {ability_id} Description: {description} Platform: {platform}/{executor} """.format(**abi))