#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Configuration loader for PurpleDome """ import yaml from app.exceptions import ConfigurationError # TODO: Add attack scripts (that will be CACAO in the future !) and plugin config # So the config being read is distributed into several files and they will have different formats (yaml, CACAO) # Currently it is a single file and YAML only. # We want to be independent from file structure or number of config files # TODO: Attack control also by config class. Used in experimentcontrol. Will change with scripts ! class MachineConfig(): """ Sub config for a specific machine""" def __init__(self, machinedata): """ Init machine control config @param machinedata: dict containing machine data """ if machinedata is None: raise ConfigurationError self.raw_config = machinedata self.verify() def verify(self): """ Verify essential data is present """ try: self.vmname() operating_system = self.os() vmcontroller = self.vmcontroller() except KeyError as exception: raise ConfigurationError from exception if operating_system not in ["linux", "windows"]: raise ConfigurationError # TODO: Verify with plugins if vmcontroller not in ["vagrant", "running_vm"]: raise ConfigurationError def vmname(self): """ Returns the vmname """ return self.raw_config["vm_name"] def vmcontroller(self): """ Returns the vm controller. lowercase """ return self.raw_config["vm_controller"]["type"].lower() def vm_ip(self): """ Return the configured ip/domain name (whatever is needed to reach the machine). Returns None if missing """ try: return self.raw_config["vm_controller"]["ip"] except KeyError: return None def os(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ returns the os. lowercase """ return self.raw_config["os"].lower() def use_existing_machine(self): """ Returns if we want to use the existing machine """ return self.raw_config.get("use_existing_machine", False) def machinepath(self): """ Returns the machine path. If not configured it will fall back to the vm_name """ return self.raw_config.get("machinepath", self.vmname()) def get_playground(self): """ Returns the machine specific playground where all the implants and tools will be installed """ return self.raw_config.get("playground", None) def caldera_paw(self): """ Returns the paw (caldera id) of the machine """ return self.raw_config.get("paw", None) def caldera_group(self): """ Returns the group (caldera group id) of the machine """ return self.raw_config.get("group", None) def ssh_keyfile(self): """ Returns the configured SSH keyfile """ return self.raw_config.get("ssh_keyfile", None) def ssh_user(self): """ Returns configured ssh user or "vagrant" as default """ return self.raw_config.get("ssh_user", "vagrant") def ssh_password(self): """ Returns configured ssh password or None as default """ return self.raw_config.get("ssh_password", None) def halt_needs_force(self): """ Returns if halting the machine needs force False as default """ return self.raw_config.get("halt_needs_force", False) def vagrantfilepath(self): """ Vagrant specific config: The vagrant file path """ if "vagrantfilepath" not in self.raw_config["vm_controller"]: raise ConfigurationError("Vagrantfilepath missing") return self.raw_config["vm_controller"]["vagrantfilepath"] def sensors(self): """ Return a list of sensors configured for this machine """ if "sensors" in self.raw_config: return self.raw_config["sensors"] or [] return [] def vulnerabilities(self): """ Return a list of vulnerabilities configured for this machine """ if "vulnerabilities" in self.raw_config: return self.raw_config["vulnerabilities"] or [] return [] def is_active(self): """ Returns if this machine is set to active. Default is true """ return self.raw_config.get("active", True) class ExperimentConfig(): """ Configuration class for a whole experiments """ def __init__(self, configfile): """ Init the config, process the file @param configfile: The configuration file to process """ self.raw_config = None self._targets = [] self._attackers = [] self.load(configfile) def load(self, configfile): """ Loads the configuration file @param configfile: The configuration file to process """ with open(configfile) as fh: self.raw_config = yaml.safe_load(fh) # Process targets for target in self.raw_config["targets"]: self._targets.append(MachineConfig(self.raw_config["targets"][target])) # Process attackers for attacker in self.raw_config["attackers"]: self._attackers.append(MachineConfig(self.raw_config["attackers"][attacker])) def targets(self) -> [MachineConfig]: """ Return config for targets as MachineConfig objects """ return self._targets def attackers(self) -> [MachineConfig]: """ Return config for attackers as MachineConfig objects """ return self._attackers def attacker(self, mid) -> MachineConfig: """ Return config for attacker as MachineConfig objects @param mid: id of the attacker, 0 is main attacker """ return self.attackers()[mid] def caldera_apikey(self): """ Returns the caldera apikey """ return self.raw_config["caldera"]["apikey"] def loot_dir(self): """ Returns the loot dir """ return self.raw_config["results"]["loot_dir"] def kali_conf(self, attack): """ Get kali config for a specific kali attack @param attack: Name of the attack to look up config for """ try: res = self.raw_config["kali_conf"][attack] except KeyError as exception: raise ConfigurationError from exception return res def get_kali_attacks(self, for_os): """ Get the configured kali attacks to run for a specific OS @param for_os: The os to query the registered attacks for """ if "kali_attacks" not in self.raw_config: return [] if for_os not in self.raw_config["kali_attacks"]: return [] res = self.raw_config["kali_attacks"][for_os] if res is None: return [] return res def get_caldera_attacks(self, for_os): """ Get the configured caldera attacks to run for a specific OS @param for_os: The os to query the registered attacks for """ if "caldera_attacks" not in self.raw_config: return [] if for_os not in self.raw_config["caldera_attacks"]: return [] res = self.raw_config["caldera_attacks"][for_os] if res is None: return [] return res def get_nap_time(self): """ Returns the attackers nap time between attack steps """ try: return self.raw_config["attacks"]["nap_time"] except KeyError: return 0