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import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch
from app.metasploit import Metasploit
from app.attack_log import AttackLog
from pymetasploit3.msfrpc import MsfRpcClient
import requests
from app.exceptions import ServerError
import time
class FakeAttacker():
def __init__(self):
def remote_run(self, cmd, disown):
def get_ip(self):
return ""
class TestMetasploit(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
with patch.object(time, "sleep") as _:
self.attack_logger = AttackLog(0)
def test_basic_init(self):
with patch.object(time, "sleep") as _:
m = Metasploit("FooBar", self.attack_logger)
self.assertEqual(m.password, "FooBar")
self.assertEqual(m.attack_logger, self.attack_logger)
def test_msfrpcd_cmd(self):
attacker = FakeAttacker()
with patch.object(time, "sleep") as _:
m = Metasploit("FooBar", self.attack_logger, attacker=attacker, username="Pennywise")
self.assertEqual(m.__msfrpcd_cmd__(), "killall msfrpcd; nohup msfrpcd -P FooBar -U Pennywise -S &")
def test_get_client_simple(self):
attacker = FakeAttacker()
with patch.object(time, "sleep") as _:
m = Metasploit("FooBar", self.attack_logger, attacker=attacker, username="Pennywise")
m.client = "Foo"
self.assertEqual(m.get_client(), "Foo")
def test_get_client_success(self):
attacker = FakeAttacker()
with patch.object(time, "sleep") as _:
m = Metasploit("FooBar", self.attack_logger, attacker=attacker, username="Pennywise")
with patch.object(MsfRpcClient, "__init__", return_value=None) as mock_method:
mock_method.assert_called_once_with("FooBar", attacker=attacker, username="Pennywise", server="")
def test_get_client_retries(self):
attacker = FakeAttacker()
with patch.object(time, "sleep") as _:
m = Metasploit("FooBar", self.attack_logger, attacker=attacker, username="Pennywise")
with self.assertRaises(ServerError):
with patch.object(MsfRpcClient, "__init__", side_effect=requests.exceptions.ConnectionError()) as mock_method:
mock_method.assert_called_with("FooBar", attacker=attacker, username="Pennywise", server="")