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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A plugin to experiment with Linux logstash filebeat sensors
from plugins.base.sensor import SensorPlugin
import os
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape
import time
class LinuxFilebeatPlugin(SensorPlugin):
# Boilerplate
name = "linux_filebeat"
description = "Linux filebeat plugin"
required_files = ["filebeat.conf",
def __init__(self):
self.plugin_path = __file__
self.debugit = False
def process_templates(self):
""" process jinja2 templates of the config files and insert own config """
env = Environment(
loader=FileSystemLoader(self.get_plugin_path(), encoding='utf-8', followlinks=False),
template = env.get_template("filebeat_template.conf")
dest = os.path.join(self.get_plugin_path(), "filebeat.conf")
with open(dest, "wt") as fh:
res = template.render({"playground": self.get_playground()})
def prime(self):
""" Hard-core install. Requires a reboot """
pg = self.get_playground()
self.vprint("Installing Linux filebeat sensor", 3)
# Filebeat
fb_file = "filebeat-7.15.2-amd64.deb"
self.run_cmd(f"curl -L -O{fb_file}")
self.run_cmd(f"sudo dpkg -i {fb_file}")
# Logstash
self.run_cmd("wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add -")
self.run_cmd("sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https")
self.run_cmd("echo 'deb stable main' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list")
self.run_cmd("sudo apt update && sudo apt install logstash")
# Copy config
self.run_cmd(f"sudo cp {pg}/filebeat.yml /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml")
self.run_cmd(f"sudo cp {pg}/filebeat.conf /etc/logstash/conf.d")
# Cleanup
self.run_cmd(f"rm {pg}/filebeat.json")
2 years ago
# self.run_cmd(f"touch {pg}/filebeat.json")
# self.run_cmd(f"chmod o+w {pg}/filebeat.json")
self.run_cmd("touch /tmp/filebeat_collection.json")
self.run_cmd("sudo chown logstash:logstash /tmp/filebeat_collection.json")
return False
def install(self):
""" Installs the filebeat sensor """
def start(self):
self.run_cmd("sudo filebeat modules enable system iptables")
2 years ago
self.run_cmd("sudo filebeat setup --pipelines --modules iptables,system,") # check with sudo filebeat modules list
# self.run_cmd("sudo systemctl start logstash.service")
2 years ago
# self.run_cmd("sudo nohup /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/filebeat.conf &", disown=True)
self.run_cmd("sudo chown logstash:logstash filebeat.json") # check with: systemctl status logstash.service
self.run_cmd("sudo systemctl start logstash") # check with: systemctl status logstash.service
self.run_cmd("sudo systemctl enable logstash") # check with: systemctl status logstash.service
2 years ago
self.run_cmd("sudo systemctl start filebeat") # check with: systemctl status filebeat.service
self.run_cmd("sudo systemctl enable filebeat") # check with: systemctl status filebeat.service
# Check the logs: sudo journalctl -u filebeat.service
# Check the logs: sudo journalctl -u logstash.service
return None
def stop(self):
""" Stop the sensor """
def collect(self, path):
""" Collect sensor data """
dst = os.path.join(path, "filebeat.json")
2 years ago
# self.get_from_machine(f"{pg}/filebeat.json", dst) # nosec
self.get_from_machine("/tmp/filebeat_collection.json", dst) # nosec
return [dst]