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#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Remote control a caldera 4 server. Starting compatible to the old control 2.8 calderacontrol. Maybe it will stop being compatible if refactoring is an option """
import json
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Optional, Union, Annotated
import requests
import simplejson
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
from pydantic import conlist # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
# from app.exceptions import CalderaError
# from app.interface_sfx import CommandlineColors
# TODO: Ability deserves an own class.
# TODO: Support all Caldera agents: "Sandcat (GoLang)","Elasticat (Blue Python/ Elasticsearch)","Manx (Reverse Shell TCP)","Ragdoll (Python/HTML)"
class Variation:
description: str
command: str
class ParserConfig:
source: str
edge: str
target: str
custom_parser_vals: dict # undocumented ! Needs improvement ! TODO
class Parser:
module: str
relationships: list[ParserConfig] # undocumented ! Needs improvement ! TODO
parserconfigs: Optional[list[ParserConfig]] = None
class Requirement:
module: str
relationship_match: list[dict]
class AdditionalInfo:
additionalProp1: Optional[str] = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name
additionalProp2: Optional[str] = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name
additionalProp3: Optional[str] = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name
class Executor:
build_target: Optional[str] # Why can this be None ?
language: Optional[str] # Why can this be None ?
payloads: list[str]
variations: list[Variation]
additional_info: Optional[AdditionalInfo]
parsers: list[Parser]
cleanup: list[str]
name: str
timeout: int
code: Optional[str] # Why can this be None ?
uploads: list[str]
platform: str
command: Optional[str]
def get(self, akey, default=None):
""" Get a specific element out of the internal data representation, behaves like the well know 'get' """
if akey in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[akey]
return default
class Ability:
""" An ability is an exploit, a TTP, an attack step ...more or less... """
description: str
plugin: str
technique_name: str
requirements: list[Requirement]
additional_info: AdditionalInfo
singleton: bool
buckets: list[str]
access: dict
executors: list[Executor]
name: str
technique_id: str
tactic: str
repeatable: str
ability_id: str
privilege: Optional[str] = None
def get(self, akey, default=None):
""" Get a specific element out of the internal data representation, behaves like the well know 'get' """
if akey in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[akey]
return default
class AbilityList():
""" A list of exploits """
abilities: Annotated[list, conlist(Ability, min_items=1)]
def get_data(self):
return self.abilities
class Obfuscator:
""" An obfuscator hides the attack by encryption/encoding """
description: str
name: str
module: Optional[str] = None # Documentation error !!!
class ObfuscatorList:
""" A list of obfuscators """
obfuscators: Annotated[list, conlist(Obfuscator, min_items=1)]
def get_data(self):
return self.obfuscators
class Adversary:
""" An adversary is a defined attacker """
has_repeatable_abilities: bool
adversary_id: str
description: str
name: str
atomic_ordering: list[str]
objective: str
tags: list[str]
plugin: Optional[str] = None
def get(self, akey, default=None):
""" Get a specific element out of the internal data representation, behaves like the well know 'get' """
if akey in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[akey]
return default
class AdversaryList:
""" A list of adversary """
adversaries: Annotated[list, conlist(Adversary, min_items=1)]
def get_data(self):
return self.adversaries
class Fact:
unique: str
name: str
score: int
limit_count: int
relationships: list[str]
source: str
trait: str
links: list[str]
created: str
origin_type: Optional[str] = None
value: Optional[str] = None
technique_id: Optional[str] = None
collected_by: Optional[str] = None
def get(self, akey, default=None):
""" Get a specific element out of the internal data representation, behaves like the well know 'get' """
if akey in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[akey]
return default
class Relationship:
target: Fact
unique: str
score: int
edge: str
origin: str
source: Fact
class Visibility:
score: int
adjustments: list[int]
class Link:
pin: int
ability: Ability
paw: str
status: int
finish: str
decide: str
output: str
visibility: Visibility
pid: str
host: str
executor: Executor
unique: str
score: int
used: list[Fact]
facts: list[Fact]
agent_reported_time: str
id: str # pylint: disable=invalid-name
collect: str
command: str
cleanup: int
relationships: list[Relationship]
jitter: int
deadman: bool
class Agent:
""" A representation of an agent on the target (agent = implant) """
paw: str
location: str
platform: str
last_seen: str # Error in document
host_ip_addrs: list[str]
group: str
architecture: str
pid: int
server: str
trusted: bool
username: str
host: str
ppid: int
created: str
links: list[Link]
sleep_max: int
exe_name: str
display_name: str
sleep_min: int
contact: str
deadman_enabled: bool
proxy_receivers: AdditionalInfo
origin_link_id: str
executors: list[str]
watchdog: int
proxy_chain: list[list[str]]
available_contacts: list[str]
upstream_dest: str
pending_contact: str
privilege: Optional[str] = None # Error, not documented
def get(self, akey, default=None):
""" Get a specific element out of the internal data representation, behaves like the well know 'get' """
if akey in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[akey]
return default
class AgentList:
""" A list of agents """
agents: list[Agent]
def get_data(self):
return self.agents
class Rule:
match: str
trait: str
action: Optional[str] = None
class Adjustment:
offset: int
trait: str
value: str
ability_id: str
class Source:
name: str
plugin: str
facts: list[Fact]
rules: list[Rule]
relationships: list[Relationship]
id: str # pylint: disable=invalid-name
adjustments: Optional[list[Adjustment]] = None
def get(self, akey, default=None):
""" Get a specific element out of the internal data representation, behaves like the well know 'get' """
if akey in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[akey]
return default
class SourceList:
sources: list[Source]
def get_data(self):
return self.sources
class Planner:
""" A logic defining the order in which attack steps are executed """
name: str
plugin: str
id: str # pylint: disable=invalid-name
stopping_conditions: list[Fact]
params: dict
description: str
allow_repeatable_abilities: bool
module: Optional[str] = None
ignore_enforcement_module: Optional[list[str]] = None
ignore_enforcement_modules: Optional[list[str]] = None # Maybe error in Caldera 4 ?
class PlannerList:
planners: list[Planner]
def get_data(self):
return self.planners
class Goal:
target: str
count: int
achieved: bool
operator: str
value: str
class Objective:
percentage: int
name: str
goals: list[Goal]
description: str
id: str # pylint: disable=invalid-name
def get(self, akey, default=None):
""" Get a specific element out of the internal data representation, behaves like the well know 'get' """
if akey in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[akey]
return default
class Operation:
""" An attack operation collecting all the relevant items (obfuscator, adversary, planner) """
obfuscator: str
state: str
jitter: str
autonomous: int
name: str
source: Source
adversary: Adversary
objective: Union[Objective, str] # Maybe Error in caldera 4: Creating a Operation returns a objective ID, not an objective object
host_group: list[Agent]
start: str
group: str
use_learning_parsers: bool
planner: Planner
visibility: int
id: str # pylint: disable=invalid-name
auto_close: bool
chain: Optional[list] = None
def get(self, akey, default=None):
""" Get a specific element out of the internal data representation, behaves like the well know 'get' """
if akey in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[akey]
return default
class OperationList:
operations: Annotated[list, conlist(Operation)]
def get_data(self):
return self.operations
class ObjectiveList:
objectives: Annotated[list, conlist(Objective)]
def get_data(self):
return self.objectives
class CalderaAPI():
""" Remote control Caldera through REST api """
def __init__(self, server: str, attack_logger, config=None, apikey=None):
@param server: Caldera server url/ip
@param attack_logger: The attack logger to use
@param config: The configuration
self.url = server if server.endswith("/") else server + "/"
self.attack_logger = attack_logger
self.config = config
if self.config:
self.apikey = self.config.caldera_apikey()
self.apikey = apikey
def __contact_server__(self, payload, rest_path: str = "api/v2/abilities", method: str = "get"):
@param payload: payload as dict to send to the server
@param rest_path: specific path for this rest api
@param method: http method to use
url = self.url + rest_path
header = {"KEY": "ADMIN123",
"accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"}
if method.lower() == "post":
j = json.dumps(payload)
request =, headers=header, data=j)
elif method.lower() == "put":
request = requests.put(url, headers=header, data=json.dumps(payload))
elif method.lower() == "get":
request = requests.get(url, headers=header, data=json.dumps(payload))
elif method.lower() == "head":
request = requests.head(url, headers=header, data=json.dumps(payload))
elif method.lower() == "delete":
request = requests.delete(url, headers=header, data=json.dumps(payload))
elif method.lower() == "patch":
request = requests.patch(url, headers=header, data=json.dumps(payload))
raise ValueError
if request.status_code == 200:
res = request.json()
# Comment: Sometimes we get a 204: succcess, but not content in response
elif request.status_code == 204:
res = {"result": "ok",
"http_status_code": 204}
print(f"Status code: {request.status_code} {request.json()}")
res = request.json()
except simplejson.errors.JSONDecodeError as exception: # type: ignore
print("!!! Error !!!!")
print("!!! Error !!!!")
raise exception
return res
def list_abilities(self):
""" Return all ablilities """
payload = None
data = {"abilities": self.__contact_server__(payload, method="get", rest_path="api/v2/abilities")}
abilities = AbilityList(**data)
return abilities.get_data()
def list_obfuscators(self):
""" Return all obfuscators """
payload = None
data = {"obfuscators": self.__contact_server__(payload, method="get", rest_path="api/v2/obfuscators")}
obfuscators = ObfuscatorList(**data)
return obfuscators.get_data()
def list_adversaries(self):
""" Return all adversaries """
payload = None
data = {"adversaries": self.__contact_server__(payload, method="get", rest_path="api/v2/adversaries")}
adversaries = AdversaryList(**data)
return adversaries.get_data()
def list_sources(self):
""" Return all sources """
payload = None
data = {"sources": self.__contact_server__(payload, method="get", rest_path="api/v2/sources")}
sources = SourceList(**data)
return sources.get_data()
def list_planners(self):
""" Return all planners """
payload = None
data = {"planners": self.__contact_server__(payload, method="get", rest_path="api/v2/planners")}
planners = PlannerList(**data)
return planners.get_data()
def list_operations(self):
""" Return all operations """
payload = None
data = {"operations": self.__contact_server__(payload, method="get", rest_path="api/v2/operations")}
operations = OperationList(**data)
return operations.get_data()
def set_operation_state(self, operation_id: str, state: str = "running"):
""" Executes an operation on a server
@param operation_id: The operation to modify
@param state: The state to set this operation into
# TODO: Change state of an operation: curl -X POST -H "KEY:ADMIN123" http://localhost:8888/api/rest -d '{"index":"operation", "op_id":123, "state":"finished"}'
# curl -X POST -H "KEY:ADMIN123" http://localhost:8888/api/rest -d '{"index":"operation", "op_id":123, "state":"finished"}'
if state not in ["running", "finished", "paused", "run_one_link", "cleanup"]:
raise ValueError
payload = {"state": state}
return self.__contact_server__(payload, method="patch", rest_path=f"api/v2/operations/{operation_id}")
def list_agents(self):
""" Return all agents """
payload = None
data = {"agents": self.__contact_server__(payload, method="get", rest_path="api/v2/agents")}
agents = AgentList(**data)
return agents.get_data()
def list_objectives(self):
""" Return all objectivs """
payload = None
data = {"objectives": self.__contact_server__(payload, method="get", rest_path="api/v2/objectives")}
objectives = ObjectiveList(**data)
return objectives.get_data()
def add_adversary(self, name: str, ability: str, description: str = "created automatically"):
""" Adds a new adversary
:param name: Name of the adversary
:param ability: Ability ID to add
:param description: Human readable description
payload = {
# "adversary_id": "string",
"atomic_ordering": [
"name": name,
# "plugin": "string",
"objective": '495a9828-cab1-44dd-a0ca-66e58177d8cc', # default objective
# "tags": [
# "string"
# ],
"description": description
data = {"agents": self.__contact_server__(payload, method="post", rest_path="api/v2/adversaries")}
# agents = AgentList(**data)
return data
def delete_adversary(self, adversary_id: str):
""" Deletes an adversary
:param adversary_id: The id of this adversary
payload = None
data = {"agents": self.__contact_server__(payload, method="delete", rest_path=f"api/v2/adversaries/{adversary_id}")}
return data
def delete_agent(self, agent_paw: str):
""" Deletes an agent
:param agent_paw: the paw to delete
payload = None
data = {"agents": self.__contact_server__(payload, method="delete", rest_path=f"api/v2/agents/{agent_paw}")}
return data
def kill_agent(self, agent_paw: str):
""" Kills an agent on the target
:param agent_paw: The paw identifying this agent
payload = {"watchdog": 1,
"sleep_min": 3,
"sleep_max": 3}
data = self.__contact_server__(payload, method="patch", rest_path=f"api/v2/agents/{agent_paw}")
return data
def add_operation(self, **kwargs):
""" Adds a new operation
:param kwargs:
# name, adversary_id, source_id = "basic", planner_id = "atomic", group = "", state: str = "running", obfuscator: str = "plain-text", jitter: str = '4/8'
name: str = kwargs.get("name")
adversary_id: str = kwargs.get("adversary_id")
source_id: str = kwargs.get("source_id", "basic")
planner_id: str = kwargs.get("planner_id", "atomic")
group: str = kwargs.get("group", "")
state: str = kwargs.get("state", "running")
obfuscator: str = kwargs.get("obfuscator", "plain-text")
jitter: str = kwargs.get("jitter", "4/8")
payload = {"name": name,
"group": group,
"adversary": {"adversary_id": adversary_id},
"auto_close": False,
"state": state,
"autonomous": 1,
"planner": {"id": planner_id},
"source": {"id": source_id},
"use_learning_parsers": True,
"obfuscator": obfuscator,
"jitter": jitter,
"visibility": "51"}
data = {"operations": [self.__contact_server__(payload, method="post", rest_path="api/v2/operations")]}
operations = OperationList(**data)
return operations
def delete_operation(self, operation_id):
""" Deletes an operation
:param operation_id: The Id of the operation to delete
payload = {}
data = self.__contact_server__(payload, method="delete", rest_path=f"api/v2/operations/{operation_id}")
return data
def view_operation_report(self, operation_id):
""" Views the report of a finished operation
:param operation_id: The id of this operation
payload = {
"enable_agent_output": True
data = self.__contact_server__(payload, method="post", rest_path=f"api/v2/operations/{operation_id}/report")
return data
def get_ability(self, abid: str):
"""" Return an ability by id
@param abid: Ability id
res = []
print(f"Number of abilities: {len(self.list_abilities())}")
with open("debug_removeme.txt", "wt") as fh:
for ability in self.list_abilities()["abilities"]:
if ability.get("ability_id", None) == abid or ability.get("auto_generated_guid", None) == abid:
return res
def pretty_print_ability(self, abi):
""" Pretty pritns an ability
@param abi: A ability dict
TTP: {technique_id}
Technique name: {technique_name}
Tactic: {tactic}
Name: {name}
ID: {ability_id}
Description: {description}