# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all} ## Installare PayloadLoader Ora che hai il tuo backup della NAND nel caso qualcosa andasse storto, puoi installare PayloadLoader sul tuo sistema. Installing the PayloadLoader will let you access Aroma just by running the Health and Safety Information app. !> A factory reset **won't** uninstall the injected PayloadLoader. Follow [uninstall PayloadLoader](../../uninstall-payloadloader) to remove the PayloadLoader. ### Istruzioni ?> If you're already booted into Aroma, you may skip to step 5. 1. Togli la scheda SD dal tuo PC e inseriscila nel Wii U. 2. Execute the web browser exploit as [previously explained](browser-exploit) but this time, you will need to hold the X button to open the Environment Loader menu. 3. Press A to launch the `aroma` environment. 4. Press A to launch the Wii U Menu. 5. At the Wii U Menu, look for the newly appeared `PayloadLoader Installer` title (the round circle with an A inside of it) and launch it. 6. Premi il pulsante A per controllare se è possibile installare il PayloadLoader. - Dovrebbe ora dirti che il PayloadLoader può essere installato sull'app Informazioni per la salute e la sicurezza. 7. Press the A button to select `Install / Update`. 8. Ti verrà chiesto se vuoi davvero installare il PayloadLoader. Use the D-Pad to select `Install` and press A. 9. After installing has finished, press A to shut down the console. !> If you do not wish to autoboot Aroma on your console, you can skip the `Autobooting Aroma` part and head directly to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup).