# Configurable Payload --- This payload is configurable, similar to Haxchi's configuration. This could be very useful for Mocha users, as it saves a bit of time having to launch Mocha through the Homebrew Launcher. ### What You Need {docsify-ignore} - The configurable payload. - 最新版 [The Homebrew Launcher Channel](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/homebrew_launcher/releases/tag/v2.1_fix)。 ### Instructions {docsify-ignore} 1. Extract the `homebrew_launcher_channel.v2.1_fix.zip` file to the `install` folder on the root of your SD Card. 1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the [Homebrew Launcher](mocha/online-exploit/browser-exploit). 1. 移动 Homebrew Launcher 至 WUP Installer GX2 程序,然后打开它。 1. Select `Homebrew Launcher Channel`. Press `Install` and install to NAND as the installation destination. 这会将 Homebrew Launcher Channel 安装到 Wii U 主菜单中。 1. Once the process is finished, press the HOME Button until you're back at the Wii U Menu. 1. At this point the channel will not launch as it will conflict with the version running on SD Card you were just using. Restart the Wii U. 1. Eject the SD Card from your Wii U and insert it into your computer. 1. Extract the `Configurable_Payload.zip` file to the root of your SD Card. If it prompts you to overwrite the files on your SD Card, do so. 1. Place the SD Card into your Wii U and launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`. 1. 点击 `Run Homebrew Launcher!`。 If everything has been done correctly, you should be taken back to the Wii U Menu. Mocha has now been enabled and you can use the Homebrew Launcher Channel you installed earlier. - 如果你的 Wii U 卡住不动或白屏了,请等一会。 如果什么都没有发生,那就重启主机后[重置浏览器保存的数据](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history),然后再来一次。